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The Future of Vermont's Drinking Water: How Today's Actions Can Keep Our Water Sources Safe and Clean

Proceeding and presentations from two workshops for planners, conservation groups, town officials, and the general public hosted in Lyndon and Manchester by VT DEC DWGWPD and VT Geological Survey, VT Rural Water Association, and EPA, 2017.

1) Workshop welcome, introductions and overviewGW_FracturedBedrock

Kira Jacobs, EPA Drinking Water Program, Moderator

2) Planning challenges in NoWaterTown, Vermont

Rodney Pingree, Vermont DEC, Drinking Water & Groundwater Protection

3) Water resources and availability in Vermont

Marjorie Gale, State Geologist, Vermont Geological Survey

4) Mapping and planning tools for groundwater and drinking water

Liz Royer, Vermont Rural Water Association

5) Hazard mitigation and emergency management planning

Lauren Oates and Josh Cox, Vermont Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security

6) The Vermont Groundwater Monitoring Network: A real-time tool for assessing climatic drought

Rick Kiah, U.S. Geological Survey, NH-VT Water Science Center

7) Presentation on the new American Planning Association Guide:

“Advice Worth Drinking: How today’s land use decisions can protect tomorrow’s water supply”

Chi Ho Sham, Eastern Research Group

8) Local and regional planning actions to protect drinking water sources and infrastructure:

Presentations by panelists: Jon Jewett (Hardwick), Trevor Welch (Jeffersonville),  Alison (NVDA),

                                                              Kristen Underwood (Bristol),  Jeff Wennberg (Rutland),  Jim Sullivan (BCRC).