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DEC Grant Introduction and Guidelines

The graphics below illustrate the sequential steps of the grant application and compliance processes from the grantee perspective. 

DEC Grantee Application Process

flowchart of DEC grantee application process

Click on the corresponding step to find example materials and templates from past DEC grant application submissions:

A:  Receives RFP

B:  Notice of intent to apply/consultation with GMS specific to program

C:  Deadline for questions regarding proposal

D:  Develops proposal

E:   Scope of work describing how deliverables/milestones will be met

F:   Complete certificate of insurance

G:  Complete risk assessment form

H:  Detailed cost breakdown/budget sheet

I:    Detailed table of deliverables and payment schedule

J:   Submit proposal/application to the GMS 

DEC Grantee Compliance Process

flowchart of DEC grantee compliance processClick on the corresponding step to find example materials and templates from past DEC grant compliance submissions:

A:  Receive/sign agreement

B:  Begin maintenance of records

C:  Deliverables due to the Technical Project Manager

D:  Final deliverables due

E:  Receive payment

DEC Grantee Application Process

Request for Proposals

Request for Proposals (RFPs) are posted on DEC's website, the Vermont Bid System, and announced via email.

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Notice of intent to apply/consultation with Grant Management Specialist

Some grant applications may require a notice of the grantee’s intent to apply or a consultation prior to submitting an application. See individual RFPs for specific requirements.

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Deadline for questions regarding proposal

For each RFP, there is a deadline by which questions must be submitted to the Grant Management Specialist (GMS). This helps to reduce individual email correspondence and promotes efficiency in evaluating applications. If you cannot find an answer to your question on this page, or on the FAQs for DEC Grants page, please submit any questions to the GMS by the specific deadline.

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Develops Proposal

A proposal is a grantee's response to a RFP, also known as a grant application, and is often comprised of a scope of work, cost breakdown or budget sheet, detailed table of deliverables, a certificate of insurance, and a risk assessment form. Refer to a specific RFP for other requirements.

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Scope of work

The scope of work is a detailed narrative of your proposal that describes how deliverables and milestones will be met. Essentially, this is a summary of the how, what, who, where, why and describes the tasks that the grantee will undertake, how they will achieve them, and within what time frame. Below are examples of previous scopes of work that were successful:​

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Certificate of Insurance

A certificate of insurance is required for all grantees receiving an award from DEC. This ensures that the grantee meets the “Standard State Provisions for Contract and Grants,” also known as “Attachment C.” Grantees can request a certificate of insurance from their insurance provider. 

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Risk Assessment Questionnaire

The purpose of the risk assessment is to determine if a potential grantee is financially stable and if the agency uses accounting systems that meet the State of Vermont administrative requirements. If you have submitted a DEC Risk Assessment Questionnaire in the past 12 months it is not necessary to resubmit the questionnaire when applying for a subsequent grant. The Risk Assessment Questionnaire can be found on the State and Federal Grant Reference Documents page under Risk Assessment Questionnaire.

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Detailed cost breakdown/budget sheet

Provide the itemized budget of the project including estimated labor and material costs needed to complete the project. Below are links to a template and examples of cost breakdown/budget sheets:

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Detailed table of deliverables and payment schedule

Provide a table of that illustrates what deliverables will be provided to DEC and propose a delivery schedule. Below are links to templates and examples of a table of deliverables and payment schedules:

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Submit proposal/application to the Grant Management Specialist

Submit your proposal or application based upon the specific instructions in the RFP. 

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DEC Grantee Compliance Process

Receive/sign agreement

After the award has been announced, the Grant Management Specialist (GMS) will send you a draft agreement for review. The GMS works to complete an agreement within 45 days. After a grant agreement has been signed by all parties, the grant is considered active until DEC issues the final payment.

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Maintenance of records

After a grant agreement has been signed by all parties it is necessary for the grantee to maintain a grant file for three years beyond the issue of final payment unless otherwise specified by the grant agreement. If your grant is funded by federal funds the grant file may need to be maintained beyond three years. Below is a link to the grant file checklist which contains the required materials for a grant file:

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Deliverables due to the Technical Project Manager

Once deliverables have been fulfilled they should be sent to the Technical Project Manager. This can be done by sending the deliverables directly to the Technical Project Manager or through uploading them as attachments when submitting for payment in the ANR Online system. For grants a Form 430 must be completed and submitted in ANR Online to receive payment from DEC. If you have match requirements, complete Form 430-M as well. Grantees/ contractors should not expect to recieve payment until all required deliverables have been submitted and approved by the Technical Project Manager.  The Form 430 and Form 430M can be found on the State and Federal Grant Reference Documents page under Request for Funds and Match Documents.

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Final Deliverables Due

Once your final deliverables have been approved and final payment has been issued your grant is now considered closed.

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Receive Payment

In order to receive payment for a grant or contract all Form 430's / invoices must be submitted through the ANR Online system. For additional information and guidance please visit the ANR Online Grants and Contracts page.

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