Wastewater and Water Supply System Installers
The Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply (WW) Program has worked with Vermont State University to develop a voluntary WW Installer Certification Program for contractors who install onsite wastewater treatment (septic) systems and potable water supply connections. The Program provides WW Installers with the information and training associated with the proper siting, design, and construction of wastewater systems and potable water supplies that are regulated by the Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules.
Rules Archives
Statutes Related to the Rules
S.27 Act 133
S.27 (Act 133 of the 2001 Adjourned Session)
Summary of ACT 133
Bill S.27 - Major Points Summary
Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules
Regional Office Program Rules
Wastewater Systems and Potable Water Supply Rules_11-06-2023 with 2024 corrections.pdf
Additional Rules that may apply:
What is an onsite wastewater system?
Onsite wastewater systems are multi-stage systems that collect, treat, and disperse wastewater generated by a home or business. The wastewater is treated and discharged to the soils rather than collected and transported to a wastewater treatment plant. The typical onsite wastewater system consists of a septic tank and some kind of leachfield to disperse the wastewater into the ground.
Licensed Designers Program Training and Continuing Education
An affidavit must be submitted to the Office of Professional Regulation every two years confirming completion of 12 Continuing Education credit hours, including at least 4 credit hours of practical soil training. The credit hours for each course or conference must be endorsed by the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division of the DEC. The following tables provide a list of pre-endorsed courses and conferences for 2025.
Licensed Designers Program Exam Schedules
Examinations are given for a Class A license (both written and field), Class B license, and Class BW license. Please submit the VT Designer Exam Application to register for an exam.
Contact Information:
Cristin Ashmankas 802-522-3257
How Do I Become A Licensed Designer?
To be eligible for a designer's license, a person must: