Innovative and Alternative Approved Wastewater Technology
Below are several tables of information related to approved systems and products for innovative/alternative wastewater disposal practices.
Technology Approvals that are struck through have not yet met the requirements of their approval conditions. A WW Permit may not be issued until approval conditions have been met.
Village Wastewater Solutions Initiative
Villages form the heart of Vermont’s rural communities, but more than 200 villages lack community sewer systems, hampering revitalization. To overcome this challenge, Vermont has formed an interagency Village Wastewater Initiative Committee (VWIC) led by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The committee meets biweekly to discuss progress of the villages, development of tools and resources, and coordination between funders and service providers.
Licensed Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Designers
Designers of water supply and wastewater treatment systems regulated under the Environmental Protection Rules, Chapter 1, Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules (WWR), are described in Subchapter 7 - Designer Licensing.
The Agency of Natural Resources will continue to administer the exams, while The VT Secretary of State is now administering all licenses.
Combined Sewer Overflow Rule
Draft Permit Notices
Public Notice Information for Actions Proposed by the Indirect Discharge Program and Underground Injection Control Program
Implementation of Electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports
This site will be updated as the new reporting system is rolled out. Please check back periodically for updates.
Wastewater Program Contact Information
Direct Discharge and Pretreatment Wastewater Facility Assignments
For information about private water systems or home septic systems, please contact the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division's Regional Office staff assigned to your location.
The State of Vermont Wastewater Program has reorganized to accommodate a new structure.