drinking water - water quality monitoring
Certified Laboratories for Landowner Water Quality Testing
This page helps private well owners find Vermont Department of Health Certified Laboratories for water testing.
On this page you will find
- A map of certified labs that test for primary, secondary, and other water contaminates.
- A table with lab names, phone numbers, and the primary and secondary contaminants they test for.
- A table listing labs and additional common contaminants they test for.
Interactive Map of Certified Laboratories
Please note:
The term radionuclide refers to the following regulated drinking water contaminants under the federal Radionuclide Rule (CFR Part 141) and Vermont Water Supply Rule.
DWGPD- EPA Method 533 for PFAS Monitoring Approval Letter
Lead in School and Child Care Drinking Water
Act 66 was passed in 2019 and subsequently adopted under the Vermont Environmental Health Rules in July 2020 as the "Rule Governing Testing and Remediation of Lead in the Drinking Water of Schools and Child Care Facilities".
Lead and Copper Rule Revisions
Vermont's public water systems are regulated under the federal Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) and the Vermont Water Supply Rule which refers to it. Visit the Vermont Lead and Copper Rule page for more information about current requirements, or to access forms and templates.
Imported Bottled Water (Non-VT Water Sources)
A bottled water system with all sources located outside of Vermont is considered an imported bottled water system and must obtain an Approval to Sell Bottled Water in Vermont prior to the distribution and sale of a bottled water product in the state.