air permits
Metal Welding and Cutting
Do I need a Permit for my Metal Welding or Cutting Facility?
Cannabis Cultivation and Processing
Do I Need a Permit for My Cannabis Cultivation and/or Processing Operation?
Cannabis cultivation and processing facilities include facilities that grow, dry, process, and/or extract cannabis products. The term cannabis refers to the plant species Cannabis Sativa L. Hemp is a class of the Cannabis Sativa plant species specifically cultivated for industrial or medical use.
Wood Drying and Heat Treating
Do I need a Permit for my Wood Drying or Heat-Treating Operation?
Revisions to List of Hazardous Air Contaminants
Appendices B and C of the Vermont Air Pollution Control Regulations list the regulated Hazardous Air Contaminants (HACs) in Vermont. In accordance with 5-261(6) of the Vermont Air Pollution Control Regulations, the Secretary may add additional chemicals or compounds to the list of regulated HACs, if appropriate, provided sufficient health data are available. Further, if additional scientific data becomes available that warrants adjusting an existing standard, including default values, for a HAC listed in Appendices B and C, the Secretary may on a
Public Notice and Certification of Notification to Adjoining Landowners
As of January 1, 2018, all new permit applications for an Air Pollution Permit to Construct or Permit to Operate are required to be noticed publicly on the Department’s Environmental Notice Bulletin (ENB), and must follow new procedural rules under Act 150 (10 V.S.A. Chapter 170), a 2016 law that standardized and consolidated DEC public notice and comment processes.
Coffee Roasters
Do I Need a Permit for my Coffee Roasting Operations?
The Air Quality and Climate Division typically does not require an Air Permit for coffee operations roasting less than 1 million pounds of green beans annually, although requirements for emission controls may still apply.