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Permit Information

Any activity within a Class I or II wetland or buffer zone which is not exempt or considered an "allowed use" under the Vermont Wetland Rules requires a permit. In order to obtain a permit, an applicant must show that they are unable to perform the activity outside of the wetland or buffer zone and that they are not lowering the quality of the wetland's protected functions and values. Wetland permit applications take 3-6 months to review dependent on the complexity of the project and completeness of the application. Applicants must plan accordingly. See the links below for more permit information.

  • 3-9025 General Permit – Issued November 3, 2023.  Click on the link to view the current general permit and see if your activity applies.
  • 3-9026 General Permit – Registrations cannot be accepted at this time as the permit has expired.  The Permit is undergoing the process to be reissued.  This General Permit is for stream crossing structure replacement, failed wastewater system replacement, retrofits for Stormwater treatment practices, and Vermont Natural Resources Conservation Services Conservation Practice Standards on farms for access roads, heavy use protection areas, stream crossings, trails and walkways, and artificial wetlands. Eligible activities are limited by square footage thresholds, and by the type of impacted wetland.  Project proponents may self-verify coverage and must register the activity with the Vermont Wetlands Program, except for farm practices described in the permit. Click on the link to view the current non-reporting general permit and see if your activity applies. This updated permit now includes a general permit process for stormwater retrofit projects with impacts to managed buffer between 5,000 and 7,000 square feet.  See this training video for determining if your stream crossing or stormwater retrofit project will qualify for the NRGP.
  • Administrative Information and Permitting Process
  • Wetland permit amendment guidance – details of when an amendment is needed and types of amendments
  • Farming FAQ of Non-reporting General Permit 3-9026 - The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) wants to make it as easy as possible for farmers to continue to complete important water quality practices. Here are a few answers to some questions about the new non-reporting general permit which was issued November 19, 2018.
  • Please submit this form and payment using ANROnline. Direct questions to  If unable to submit online, mail the completed application form along with all required supporting materials including a check in the correct fee amount made payable to State of Vermont to: Vermont DEC - Watershed Management Division, Wetlands Program - 1 National Life Drive, Davis 3 - Montpelier, VT 05620-3522

Pre Application Material:

Application Materials:

Individual Wetland Permits

Required Attachments for Individual Permits with Multiple Wetlands

General Wetland Permits

Required Attachments for General Permit Applications that Include a Wetland Determination

Wetland Determinations

Adjoiner Notification

Post Approval Materials:

Amendment forms:
Reporting Forms:

Reporting forms may now be completed online. You will need to have your permit number available; click on the appropriate link below to complete your report of Town Recording, Start Work date, or Work Completion:

If you are unable to use the electronic forms, PDF versions are available as well: Town Recording, Start Work, Work Completion.

If you are having technical issues with any of the forms, please email us at or call 802-490-6195

Permit Fees

Refund Policy: Fees cannot always be returned

  • If an application is modified, withdrawn or denied after technical review has commenced, all fees are retained
  • If an application is withdrawn prior to administrative review, all fees will be refunded
  • If an application is withdrawn after administrative review but prior or commencement of technical review, deemed administratively incomplete and returned to the applicant, or determined that a permit is not required; administrative fees are retained and, and application review fees will be refunded

Public Notice Information

Public Notice Periods for Each Application Type
Application Type Notice Period Abutter Notification
Individual Permit 30 Days Yes
General Permit Authorization 14 Days No
Administrative Amendment or Permit Transfers None No
Permit Extension 14 Days Yes
Individual Permit Minor Amendment 14 Days Yes
Individual Permit Major Amendment 30 Days Yes
Wetland Determination 30 Days Yes