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Public Meeting

Clean Water Conversation - South Windsor Planning Commission

Tentative Agenda

1.   Water pollution challenges and opportunities in the specific region;

2.   The Clean Water Fund and its role in addressing these needs;

3.   How the Clean Water Fund was allocated with the first 2 years of funding;

4.   Kinds of activities the Clean Water Fund can support, such as technical assistance, education, implementation; and,

5.   Priorities for the Clean Water Fund in the coming year.

Ascutney, VT 05030

Clean Water Conversation - Addison County Regional Commission

Tentative Agenda

1.   Water pollution challenges and opportunities in the specific region;

2.   The Clean Water Fund and its role in addressing these needs;

3.   How the Clean Water Fund was allocated with the first 2 years of funding;

4.   Kinds of activities the Clean Water Fund can support, such as technical assistance, education, implementation; and,

5.   Priorities for the Clean Water Fund in the coming year.

14 Seminary St, Middlebury, VT 05753

Clean Water Conversation - Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission

Tentative Agenda

1.   Water pollution challenges and opportunities in the specific region;

2.   The Clean Water Fund and its role in addressing these needs;

3.   How the Clean Water Fund was allocated with the first 2 years of funding;

4.   Kinds of activities the Clean Water Fund can support, such as technical assistance, education, implementation; and,

5.   Priorities for the Clean Water Fund in the coming year.

Royalton Academy Building , 2460 Route 14, Royalton

Clean Water Fund Board Formal Meeting

The public is invited to attend a formal meeting of the Clean Water Fund Board on October 17, 2016 from 2:30 to 4:00 pm at the Statehouse, Room 11, Montpelier. The Board will issue the final State Fiscal Year 2018 Clean Water Fund Budget. For more information, visit the Clean Water Fund Budget Process webpage.


Clean Water Fund Board Working Meeting

The public is invited to attend a working meeting of the Clean Water Fund Board on October 6, 2016 from 3:00 to 4:00 pm at the Davis 5th Floor Board Room, National Life. The Board will be reviewing public comments on the State Fiscal Year 2018 Draft Clean Water Fund Budget. For more information, visit the Clean Water Fund Budget Process webpage.


Clean Water Fund Board Formal Meeting

The public is invited to attend a formal meeting of the Clean Water Fund Board on September 8, 2016 from 1:30pm-3:00pm at the Statehouse, Room 11, Montpelier, VT for a formal Clean Water Fund Board meeting. The Board will issue the State Fiscal Year 2018 Draft Budget for the Clean Water Fund. 


Clean Water Fund Board Working Meeting

The public is invited to attend a working meeting of the Clean Water Fund Board on August 22, 2016, 1:00 - 2:00pm, in the Davis 5th Floor Board Room at the Vermont Agency of Transportation, 1 National Life Drive, Montpelier, VT. The Board will be reviewing the results of the online questionnaire on the State Fiscal Year 2018 draft budget. 


Clean Water Fund Board Working Meeting

The public is invited to attend a working meeting of the Clean Water Fund Board on Thursday, June 23, 2016 from 3:00 - 4:00pm in the Davis 5th Floor Board Room at National Life. The CWF Board will be discussing the Clean Water Fund State Fiscal Year 2018 Staff's Draft Budget. 


Clean Water Fund Process for FY18 Budget

Clean Water Fund Reporting Template


Long-Term Funding of Clean Water Improvements

The Office of the State Treasurer, the Department of Taxes, and the Department of Environmental Conservation are hosting a public meeting on November 16th in Room 11 of the Vermont State House, 9:00 am - noon to discuss the process for developing long-term water quality funding recommendations, the stakeholder process thus far, revenue options that have been studied, and an update regarding the Legislative Report that is due on January 15, 2017. 

Please RSVP to by November 10th as space is limited.

If you would like more information, or have comments, please see below:


Clean Water Conversation - Northwest Region

Tentative Agenda

1. Water pollution challenges and opportunities in the specific region;

2.   The Clean Water Fund and its role in addressing these needs;

3.   How the Clean Water Fund was allocated with the first 2 years of funding;

4.   Kinds of activities the Clean Water Fund can support, such as technical assistance, education, implementation; and,

5.   Priorities for the Clean Water Fund in the coming year.

Swanton Village Offices, 120 First Street, Swanton, VT

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