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Wetland Consultant Webinar

Prepare for this upcoming field season with a refresher of the Vermont Wetland Rules.  We will include information about wetland delineations, application submittals, and presumptive wetland data submittal.  The remainder of the content will be catered to the topics of interest gathered from those signed up to participate.  Please RSVP by April 1st to receive MS Teams log-in information.  A call in number will be available for those joining audio by phone.

Ecosystem Restoration Grant Program Training

Tuesday, February 19th, 1:00 - 3:00 pm in the Agency of Transportation Dill Building, 2178 Airport Road, Berlin, VT

The Clean Water Initiative Program is hosting a workshop on important updates to the Ecosystem Restoration Grant Program to prepare partners and applicants for upcoming grant rounds (next review deadline is March 11, 2019). Please RSVP to Allison Lewis.


Ecosystem Restoration Grant Applicant Webinar/Workshop

Ecosystem Restoration Grant applicants are encouraged to attend this webinar if they have questions as they complete the grant application. To attend in person in the Winooski Room, National Life Building, Montpelier,  RSVP by email or call Marli Rupe at (802) 490-6171 by June 12th​. Grant applicants can also attend online through Skype for Business (no RSVP required).


The Future of Vermont's Drinking Water

Attend this workshop to learn how today's actions can keep our waters safe and clean.

Location: Park House, Dana Thompson Memorial Park, 340 Recreation Park Rd., Manchester Center, VT

Hosts: VT DEC, VT Geological Survey, VT Rural Water Association and EPA

Information: Free workshop for planners, conservation groups, town officials and the general public. Agenda and registration.  For more information contact Kira Jacobs at EPA at 617-918-1817 or


The Future of Vermont's Drinking Water

Attend this workshop to learn how today's actions can keep our water sources safe and clean.

Location: Burke Mountain Room, Lyndon State College, 1001 College Rd., Lyndonville, VT 05851

Hosts:VT DEC, VT Geological Survey, VT Rural Water Association and EPA

Information: Free workshop for planners, conservation groups, town officials and the general public. Agenda and registration. For more information contact Kira Jacobs at EPA at 617-918-1817 or


Clean Water Roadmap Webinar

Imagine a web-based mapping tool that geographically shows and quantifies phosphorus sources by land use sector across the Lake Champlain Basin in Vermont. Sound too good to be true? It's not—meet the Clean Water Roadmap, developed with support from Keurig Green Mountain and The Nature Conservancy.

During this online presentation, environmental consultants LimnoTech will explain how to use this valuable tool, from selecting watersheds at various scales, to retrieving estimated phosphorus loads and yields across different land uses. A question-and-answer session will follow.

Attend online or join us in the Winooski Room at the National Life Complex in Montpelier. Seating is limited though, so if you plan to attend in person, RSVP early by emailing


Ecosystem Restoration Grant Program Workshop - Springfield

Join DEC staff to learn about the 2017 Ecosystem Restoration Grant Program - Round 2 - Request For Proposals (RFP).  Staff will review changes to the RFP, opportunities for new collaborations, and resources available to identify the highest priority projects.  Basin Planners as well as other DEC staff will be available to discuss local issues, priorities and concerns, and the best opportunities for successful grant applications, as well as to answer questions. RSVPs are encouraged.  Refreshments will be provided and those that RSVP will receive meeting materials to review in advance.  A webinar will also be available by the end of September for those unable to attend a workshop.  

For more information and to RSVP, email Marli Rupe or call 490-6171.

ANR Springfield Regional Office, 100 Mineral St., Springfield


Ecosystem Restoration Grant Program Workshop - St. Johnsbury

Join DEC staff to learn about the 2017 Ecosystem Restoration Grant Program - Round 2 - Request For Proposals (RFP).  Staff will review changes to the RFP, opportunities for new collaborations, and resources available to identify the highest priority projects.  Basin Planners as well as other DEC staff will be available to discuss local issues, priorities and concerns, and the best opportunities for successful grant applications, as well as to answer questions. RSVPs are encouraged.  Refreshments will be provided and those that RSVP will receive meeting materials to review in advance.  A webinar will also be available by the end of September for those unable to attend a workshop.  

For more information and to RSVP, email Marli Rupe or call 490-6171.

ANR St. Johnsbury Regional Office, 1229 Portland St., St. Johnsbury


Ecosystem Restoration Grant Program Workshop - Rutland

Join DEC staff to learn about the 2017 Ecosystem Restoration Grant Program - Round 2 - Request For Proposals (RFP).  Staff will review changes to the RFP, opportunities for new collaborations, and resources available to identify the highest priority projects.  Basin Planners as well as other DEC staff will be available to discuss local issues, priorities and concerns, and the best opportunities for successful grant applications, as well as to answer questions. RSVPs are encouraged.  Refreshments will be provided and those that RSVP will receive meeting materials to review in advance.  A webinar will also be available by the end of September for those unable to attend a workshop.  

For more information and to RSVP, email Marli Rupe or call 490-6171.

Asa Bloomer Building, 2nd Foor Conference Room, Rutland

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