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Product Stewardship

Special recycling banner with orange circle mobius symbol

"trash can symbol with a red line diagonal through it"

Vermont has special recycling programs for some items that can be recycled, but NOT in the blue bin.

To find the nearest Special Recycling Program drop-off location for Batteries, Electronics, Paint, Fluorescent Lightbulbs, or Mercury Thermostats, select your county from the dropdown list below and click “Search” or review this printable list that includes several languages.

Image of brochure for Free recycling programs for electronics, paint, batteries, mercury-containing light bulbs, and other mercury-containing products. Arabic - عربي 

Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt 

Chinese - 普通话

French - Français

Nepali - नेपाली

Serbo-Croatian - Srpskohrvatski

Somali - Soomaali

Spanish - Español  30-sec video ad in Español 


Contact Sarah Hobson ( to request hard copies of the English brochure.

Photo of a variety of types of batteries


Batteries. Recycle your spent single-use or rechargeable batteries and cellphones at convenient drop-off locations around the state through Call2Recycle. Learn more about battery recycling in Vermont.


Photo of four types of light bulbs that contain mercury


Bulbs. Mercury-containing bulbs are banned from the trash and should be handled with care to prevent breakage. Recycle your fluorescent and other mercury-containing bulbs at drop-off locations throughout the state through MercuryLampRecycleLearn more about bulb recycling in Vermont.


Photo of a stack of desk top computers and monitors


Electronics. Recycle computers, monitors, televisions, printers, and computer peripherals at transfer stations and other drop-off facilities throughout the state through the VT e-cycles program. Or, contact your local waste district or town to find a drop-off location near you for these and other electronics.


Photo of paint cans


Paint. Recycle left-over oil and latex architectural paint at drop-off locations throughout the state through PaintCare. Learn more about paint recycling in Vermont, including where to buy recycled paint.


Photo of several types of thermostats


Thermostats. Recycle mercury-containing thermostats at drop-off locations throughout the state and receive a $5.00 in-store credit or a reimbursement coupon. Learn more about thermostat recycling in Vermont.


Photo of household hazardous products


Household Hazardous Waste (HHW). Signed by the Governor in June 2023, HHW EPR will require manufacturers of some of the most toxic forms of solid waste to assist with funding the end-of-life management of these wastes. Implementation of the Household Hazardous Waste EPR Law will begin in 2025. Learn more about HHW EPR. Find out where to bring your HHW here.


Photo of four glass bottles for beer or soda


Beverage Containers. Containers that are covered under the "Bottle Bill" can be redeemed at certified redemption centers throughout the state. Learn more about Vermont's Bottle Bill.


To learn more about special recycling programs, visit our "What do I do with this?" webpage or contact your local waste district or town.


Outreach and training resources for collectors and the special recycling symbol with two arrows forming a circle on an orange background.

Explore our outreach and training resources for collectors, including training videos, ads, downloads, and other resources.

What is Product Stewardship?

Product Stewardship is the act of managing a product and its packaging throughout its entire life cycle to both minimize the health, safety, environmental, and social impacts, and maximize economic benefits. While a product’s manufacturer has the most control over the product’s impact, other stakeholders, such as suppliers, retailers, and consumers, also play a role. Stewardship can either be voluntary or required by law.

What is Extended Producer Responsibility?

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a mandatory type of product stewardship in which the manufacturer is responsible for helping properly manage its products even after they have been sold. Vermont’s EPR laws share the cost of recycling and safe materials management between manufacturers and consumers and increase collection and recycling rates of covered products. Vermont’s EPR programs are effective thanks to the convenient collection locations throughout the state, efforts by waste districts, towns, and private facilities, and outreach to consumers.

Vermont's Extended Producer Responsibility Laws

The following EPR laws have been passed in Vermont: