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Brownfields Economic Revitalization Alliance (BERA)

Brownfields Program

Brownfields Economic Revitalization Alliance (BERA)

The Brownfield Economic Revitalization Alliance (BERA) was an innovative program designed to bring unused or underutilized brownfields back into economic productivity.  

Brownfields are defined as property whose expansion, redevelopment, or reuse may be complicated by the release or threatened release of a hazardous material.  Selected sites will receive priority funding from the state, as well as coordinated and timely permitting.

We are not currently accepting BERA applications.  If you are interested in the program, or have any questions, please contact Sarah Bartlett ( or 802.249.5641)

The Application and additional information about current BERA projects and the BERA program are available for viewing or downloading. 

Projects will be selected by a committee and ranked based on the following criteria:

  1. Is the project considered to be high profile in the community?      


    Community need - property is in key location with contamination that stigmatizes and hinders redevelopment of an area on the community

    Community support - Subject of public meetings and town officials are on record supporting the project

    Is redevelopment of the site part of the regional/municipal plan?

  2. Is there a presence of (or potential prescence of ) complex contaminant issues?
  3. Have complex regulatory issues been identified?
  4. Will the project need multitude of funding resources for successful implementation? And, will the project yield positive benefits beyond clean-up that may include job creation or new housing?
  5. Are there a myriad of legal issues, that may include:

    Legal complications involving a past owner that are not resolved

    Involvement of multiple responsible parties

    Need for cost recovery assistance

  6. Has the property owner or potential purchase/developer expressed a need for assistance?

  7. Is there commitment at the local and regional level to engage in this redevelopment project?

  8. Is the project located in or near a designated downtown, village center or new town center? Or, will redevelopment lead to use of existing infratructure?

  9. To the extent practicable, please explain if the project will result in the re-use of an existing historic structure or will preserve historic characteristics of the property.

  10. The potential for the project to stimulate or promote environmmmmental, economic or clean energy goals that would provide benefit to the community and the state.

We are not currently accepting BERA applications.  If you are interested in the program, or have any questions, please contact Sarah Bartlett ( or 802.249.5641)