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2023 Ottauquechee, Black Rivers Tactical Basin Plan

September 20, 2023
The Tactical Basin Plan provides an overview of the basin, describes the water quality and habitat conditions and lays out the strategies and actions recommended for implementation to protect or improve rivers, lakes, and wetlands through cost-effective projects, including floodplain restorations, dam removals and 15 other types of projects. The 57 priority strategies focus on improving water quality and aquatic habitat in all land use sectors including agriculture, developed lands, wastewater and natural resources.

Property Concerns with Rivers and Streams After Recent Flooding

Montpelier, Vt. – Recent flooding has altered Vermont’s landscape and property owners understandably have questions. The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has prepared answers to common questions:

Q: Recent flooding moved the stream/river extremely close to my home/business. Will the state come and fix it?

A: If you feel your home or business is unsafe, take necessary measures to protect your safety, including leaving the building.

Surface Water Diversion and Transfer Study Group

Surface Water Diversion and Transfer Study Group

Pursuant to Act 173 of 2020 (An act related to surface water diversions) the Agency of Natural Resources has convened a Surface Water Diversion and Transfer Study Group to investigate and make recommendations to the General Assembly regarding the environmental, economic, and recreation impacts of surface water diversions, including the transfer of surface water between watersheds.

Below are supporting documents related to the Study Group and link to meetings, agendas and presentations.

Funding Opportunities

Becoming more flood resilient, through restoring, protecting and conserving river corridors and floodplains has several benefits.  Avoiding human encroachment in areas susceptible to flooding and erosion mitigates the loss of life and property during floods.  River corridors and floodplains also provide important terrestrial and aquatic habitat and help to maintain and improve water quality.  Additional incentives for communities to take actions to become more flood resilient include receiving priority rating in several competitive grant programs administered by the Agency of

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