April 6, 2022
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Glacial Lakes, Central Vermont
Text and images amended from G. Springston, S. Wright, and C. Dowey.
Evaluation of In-Lake Management Options for Lake Carmi - Franklin - Vermont
October 22, 2018
Posted to web February 6, 2018. Updated October 22, 2018.
Model Simulations of Mixing Technologies to Reduce Cyanobacteria in Lake Carmi - Phase 2 Report
August 24, 2018
Posted to web August 24, 2018. Updated October 22,2018.
Sharing The Edge: A Guide for Lakeshore Property Owners in Vermont
May 30, 2018
Are you interested in purchasing lakefront property in Vermont? Maybe you are new to Vermont entirely, or perhaps you’ve lived here for years but are just now contemplating a camp on the lake. This booklet introduces a landowner to what a healthy lake shoreland looks like, describes how Vermont manages its public waters, and provides an overview of property development regulations.
Shoreline Stabilization
Shoreline Stabilization Techniques
The shoreline is an important and sensitive area that connects the aquatic world with the adjacent upland. These “edge” areas provide essential habitat for fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, insects, and other wildlife. They also set the stage for good water quality, as the vegetation and natural forest duff layer along the shore infiltrate pollutant- and silt-laden stormwater runoff, keeping lake water clean.
Lakes and Ponds Rulemaking
For lake reclassification petitions, please visit the reclassification webpage
For information about the current Use of Public Waters wakesports rule, visit the wakesports webpage
A summary of wakesports activity and observations from the 2024 boating season