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Geothermal Energy

Geothermal log graph

The Geological Survey focused on collecting water well temperature data as an indicator of temperature gradients, radionuclide chemistry as a potential natural augmentation to heat production, thermal conductivity measurements which impact heat flow, and structural data particularly rock anisotropy and fracture data. Thermal conductivity and geochemical data for 40 rock samples plus 17 water well temperature records were uploaded to the National Geothermal Data System for easy access.

What is an onsite wastewater system?

septic field illustration Onsite wastewater systems are multi-stage systems that collect, treat, and disperse wastewater generated by a home or business. The wastewater is treated and discharged to the soils rather than collected and transported to a wastewater treatment plant. The typical onsite wastewater system consists of a septic tank and some kind of leachfield to disperse the wastewater into the ground.


This listing includes publications, videos, and slide shows available from the Stormwater Section.  Many of the resources listed  on this page are for historical reference only, and  do not reflect current regulations. For additional resources of the Watershed Management Division, go to the Watershed Management Division Resources page.

(sorted alphabetically)

Geology and Health

SpringVermont's geology contributes to many facets of human health.  Bedrock, glacial materials, and soils each have positive and/or negative impacts on water quality and air quality. Healthy human bodies require minerals and elements (ex. salt, calcium, iron) which are transferred from the geologic environment through the food chain. Some geologic materials may filter contaminants so they do not reach groundwater supplies.

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