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Governor Scott Announces Vermont Clean Water Week, August 20 – 26, 2017

August 15, 2017

CONTACT: Kari Dolan

Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

(802) 490-6113;


MONTPELIER, VT – Governor Philip B. Scott is issuing a proclamation to declare the week of August 20th “Clean Water Week” for the State of Vermont.  Vermont businesses, organizations, communities and individuals across the state are taking part in the celebration of Vermont’s waters, and joining the call for action to restore and protect this vital resource.

Emily Boedecker, Commissioner of the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, explains, “This proclamation gives Vermont the opportunity to take stock of the intrinsic value of our rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and wetlands to our economy, our communities and our way of life.  While we face difficult challenges to restore clean water in some parts of the state, we are also celebrating this declaration, which demonstrates our resolve to work together for clean water.”

Over 90 businesses and organizations have signed up thus far as sponsors of Clean Water Week, offering close to 60 public Clean Water events to celebrate, educate and engage.  Events include farm visits, paddling and ecology walks, wastewater and water supply plant tours, rain garden tours and workshops for homeowners, tours by bicycle, and even a few art and cultural heritage events.   Check out the exciting events happening in your area at:

Boedecker adds, “I am thrilled that so many businesses, agencies, organizations and state parks have signaled their recognition of the value of Clean Water and their support for our shared goals by participating in Clean Water Week.  Events are happening across the state, from Castleton to Craftsbury, Springfield to Waitsfield, Burlington to Barre and Londonderry to Waterbury.  Check out the events at our state parks, including Brighton in Island Pond, Silver Lake in Barnard and Jamaica. All these events provide opportunities for everyone to take part in activities that are going on near where they live.”