ANR Natural Resource Atlas
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Atlas is map viewer that displays Stormwater Permit locations and other spatial data relating to the Agency's programs.
Navigate to your site by either panning and zooming or go to "Quick Tools" click "Zoom to Town" or "Find an Address".
You may search for a specific environmental feature using the "Search Layers" under "Quick Tools".
To display the map of Stormwater Permits, click the "Layers"
tab at the bottom of the left hand menu, then click the plus sign next to "Watershed Protection" and check the "Stormwater Permits Issued". A green cross will be displayed on the map at the center of a development possessing a Stormwater Permit. Data layers are scale dependent and some layers will not become visible until you zoom in closer to your area of interest. This helps the map from becoming too cluttered with information.
To obtain more information about a feature, click the "Open Toolbar" Button
at the upper right and click the "Identify" tab and select a tool to use. Click on the feature you wish to obtain more information about. Information and links to further information will appear in the left hand menu. For example, if identifying a stormwater permit, the permit number and a link to the authorization should appear on the left if available.
Use the "Layers" tab to see other Agency of Natural Resources data layers, such as streams, wetlands, elevation or Lake Champlain Watershed Segments.
To create a printable map, under "Quick Tools" click on "Create a Printable Map".
For further information on how to use the mapping application, use the Help features in the Toolbar