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Public meeting on draft Northern Lake Champlain Direct Drainages

Public comment meeting for draft Northern Lake Champlain Direct Drainages

Event date:Wed. Jul. 08, 2015     

start time: 06:30 PM  end: 08:00 PM

Contact: Karen Bates    Email:   Phone: 802-879-2339

Location: Shelburne Town Offices, Shelburne, Vermont

More Information Link:

Description: The Northern Lake Champlain Direct Drainages (Basin 5) include all surface waters that drain into the northern section of Lake Champlain, beginning at the Ferrisburgh and Charlotte town line and ending at the Canadian border, excepting three major river watersheds: the Missisquoi, the Winooski and the Lamoille. This Tactical Plan was developed with the purpose of improving both water quality and aquatic habitats, and presents ANR’s recommendations in collaboration with other State and federal resource agencies, watershed partner organizations, regional planning commissions, municipalities, and individual citizens. 

Event Date
July 15, 2015 to July 15, 2015