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Public Comment Meeting


Thursday, November 2, 2023, 2:30 pm


The public is invited to comment on the draft State Fiscal Year 2025 Clean Water Budget at the Clean Water Budget Public Hearing on Thursday, November 2, 2023, at 2:30 pm.

  • RSVP: Please RSVP by completing this online RSVP form, preferred by Thursday, November 2, 2023, at 12:00 pm. Please indicate, using the RSVP form, if assistance is needed to participate in the public meeting and if you plan to attend in-person at the physical meeting location. A list of in-person visitors must be sent to site security staff ahead of time.
  • Sign-up to Comment: Please indicate, using the online RSVP form, if you wish to voice comments during the hearing. Commenters are also encouraged to submit verbal comments in written form to with subject line “11/2 Clean Water Budget Public Hearing” to ensure accuracy in public hearing minutes.
  • Attend Remotely: The hearing will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams. Join Microsoft Teams Meeting for full meeting audio and visual. If you require a call-in option to participate (e.g., computer does not have a microphone), dial 1-802-828-7667 and enter phone conference ID: 974 340 645#.
  • Physical Location to Attend In-Person: Public who wish to attend in person may join us at the Agency of Natural Resources, One National Life Drive, Montpelier, VT 05602 in the Catamount Room (Davis Building, Second Floor, Room D215). Please RSVP indicating if you plan to attend in person. A list of in-person visitors must be sent to site security staff ahead of time.
  • Agenda and Materials: To be posted on the Clean Water Board Meetings webpage in advance.

Visit the Clean Water Board webpage for more information.

Contact with subject line “11/2 Clean Water Budget Public Hearing” with questions about the clean water budget public hearing.


Public Meeting to Provide Update on Proposed Draft Wake Boat Rules

Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. §1424, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation received a petition to adopt a Use of Public Waters Rule regarding the management of wake boats and their activities on Vermont lakes and ponds.

The Use of Public Waters Rules (Rules) govern the aquatic resources management of the public waters of Vermont. The Rules establish a number of general management rules to protect normal uses on all lakes, ponds and reservoirs. If an entity proposes to adopt a Use of Public Waters rule for a public waterbody, they may petition the State to create a recreation-related rule to address a specific recreation-related conflict. The Rules attempt to avoid, where possible, and resolve, when necessary, conflicts in the use of public waters in a comprehensive and integrated manner so that the various uses may be enjoyed in a reasonable manner, considering the best interests of both current and future generations of the citizens of the state and insuring that natural resource values of the public waters are fully protected.

The petition and supporting documents are posted online:

After review of the petition, supporting documents, the scientific literature, and verbal and written comments, the Department has developed a draft rule that will, if enacted under an upcoming rulemaking process, regulate the use of wake boats in Vermont's Lakes and Ponds that are regulated under the Use of Public Waters Rules. The Department will be holding one final meeting in the "pre-rulemaking" phase of the petition process to update the public on the development of the draft rule. The Department seeks feedback on the content of the proposed draft rule. 

A public meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 15, 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Any person can sign up to provide verbal feedback only on the proposed draft rule in person, or through the virtual platform (sign-ups close at 3pm on 2/10/2023). Oral statements will be limited to two minutes. The meeting will be held at the Highland Center for the Arts, 2875 Hardwick St, Greensboro, VT 05841, and online via Microsoft Teams. To join the meeting remotely, Click here to join the meeting at the scheduled time or call 802-828-7667 and enter the Conference ID number: 707 701 931#. Note: the call-in option provides audio only.

Please note that once the draft rule moves forward into formal rulemaking, there will be at least one public hearing as well as an opportunity to provide written comment.

Please review the content of the proposed draft rule here.

Sign-up to provide feedback on the draft rule here:


Public Meeting for Use of Public Waters Rules, July 7

Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. §1424, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation received a petition to adopt a Use of Public Waters Rule regarding the management of wake boats and their activities on Vermont lakes and ponds.

The Use of Public Waters Rules (Rules) govern the aquatic resources management of the public waters of Vermont. The Rules establish a number of general management rules to protect normal uses on all lakes, ponds and reservoirs. If an entity proposes to adopt a Use of Public Waters rule for a public waterbody, they may petition the State to create a recreation-related rule to address a specific recreation-related conflict. The Rules attempt to avoid, where possible, and resolve, when necessary, conflicts in the use of public waters in a comprehensive and integrated manner so that the various uses may be enjoyed in a reasonable manner, considering the best interests of both current and future generations of the citizens of the state and insuring that natural resource values of the public waters are fully protected.

The petition and supporting documents is posted online:

A public meeting is scheduled for Thursday July 7, 2022  5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Any person can submit oral or written statements and data concerning the petition. The meeting facilitator may fix reasonable limits on the time allowed for oral statements. The meeting will be held at the Manchester Community Library, 138 Cemetery Ave., Manchester Center, VT in the Hunter Community Room and online via Microsoft Teams. Click here to join the meeting at the scheduled time or call 802-828-7667, and enter the Conference ID number: ID: 929 449 736#

Note: the call-in option provides audio only.

A public meeting on this petition will also be held in Richmond, Vermont on June 29, 2022


The following guidelines will help facilitate participation in the meeting:

  • If you would like to comment during the meeting, please send an email to Laura Dlugolecki or call 802-490-6133 by 4:00 pm on Wednesday July 6, 2022. A list of names will be created chronologically from the time the request was received. There will also be a sign-up sheet at the meeting, or you can indicate you’d like to comment in the Microsoft Teams chat box after joining.
  • If you are joining the meeting via Microsoft Teams, you will be “in the lobby” until a meeting facilitator admits you into the meeting. You will be muted once you are admitted.
  • Please remain muted unless instructed otherwise. Unmuting yourself may negatively impact the audio for all meeting participants.
  • When a meeting facilitator indicates it is your turn to ask a question or state your comment, unmute yourself by clicking the microphone symbol or press *6 if you called in to the meeting.

If you would like to submit a comment after the meeting has ended, comments will be accepted via email to Laura Dlugolecki  (please use "Use of Public Waters Public Comment" in the subject line) or mail to the following address by 4:00 pm on Friday July 29, 2022:

Attn: Laura Dlugolecki

Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

Watershed Management Division

1 National Life Drive, Davis 3

Montpelier, VT 05620-3522


Public Meeting for Use of Public Waters Rules

Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. §1424, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation received a petition to adopt a Use of Public Waters Rule regarding the management of wake boats and their activities on Vermont lakes and ponds.

The Use of Public Waters Rules (Rules) govern the aquatic resources management of the public waters of Vermont. The Rules establish a number of general management rules to protect normal uses on all lakes, ponds and reservoirs. If an entity proposes to adopt a Use of Public Waters rule for a public waterbody, they may petition the State to create a recreation-related rule to address a specific recreation-related conflict. The Rules attempt to avoid, where possible, and resolve, when necessary, conflicts in the use of public waters in a comprehensive and integrated manner so that the various uses may be enjoyed in a reasonable manner, considering the best interests of both current and future generations of the citizens of the state and insuring that natural resource values of the public waters are fully protected.

The petition and supporting documents is posted online:

A public meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Any person can submit oral or written statements and data concerning the petition. The meeting facilitator may fix reasonable limits on the time allowed for oral statements. The meeting will be held at the Richmond Free Library, at 201 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT  and online via Microsoft Teams. To join the meeting remotely, click “Join Microsoft Teams Meeting at the scheduled time or call 802-828-7667 and enter the Conference ID number: 646 403 677#. Note: the call-in option provides audio only.

A second public meeting on this petition in another region of the State will be scheduled for: TBD

The following guidelines will help facilitate participation in the meeting:

  • If you would like to comment during the meeting, please send an email to Laura Dlugolecki or call 802-490-6133 by 4:00 pm on Tuesday June 28, 2022. A list of names will be created chronologically from the time the request was received. There will also be a sign-up sheet at the meeting, or you can indicate you’d like to comment in the Microsoft Teams chat box after joining.
  • If you are joining the meeting via Microsoft Teams, you will be “in the lobby” until a meeting facilitator admits you into the meeting. You will be muted once you are admitted.
  • Please remain muted unless instructed otherwise. Unmuting yourself may negatively impact the audio for all meeting participants.
  • When a meeting facilitator indicates it is your turn to ask a question or state your comment, unmute yourself by clicking the microphone symbol or press *6 if you called in to the meeting.

If you would like to submit a comment after the meeting has ended, comments will be accepted via email to Laura Dlugolecki  (please use "Use of Public Waters Public Comment" in the subject line) or mail to the following address by 4:00 pm on Friday July 29, 2022:

Attn: Laura Dlugolecki

Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

Watershed Management Division

1 National Life Drive, Davis 3

Montpelier, VT 05620-3522




Public Meeting: Phosphorus Tracking and Accounting Standard Operating Procedures

Join Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation's (VTDEC) Clean Water Initiative Program, on Friday, April 15, 2022 from noon to 1:30 pm, for a public meeting on the DRAFT Phosphorus Tracking and Accounting Standard Operating Procedures. The DRAFT procedures are posted for public comment from Friday, April 1 through Monday, May 2, 2022. | Click here for public meeting presentation slides. 

Meeting Purpose: The purpose of the public meeting is to present an overview of the DRAFT Phosphorus Tracking and Accounting Standard Operating Procedures and to receive and record public comment and respond to clarifying questions. Comments received during the public meeting will be recorded and compiled with written public comment.

Action Items to Prepare to Attend the Public Meeting:

  • RSVP: Please RSVP by completing this online RSVP form, preferred by Friday, April 15, 2022 at 9:00 am. Please indicate, using the RSVP form, if assistance is needed to participate in the meeting, if you wish to comment during the meeting, and if you plan to attend virtually or in-person at the physical meeting location.
  • Attendees are encouraged to review the DRAFT Phosphorus Tracking and Accounting Standard Operating Procedures before attending and commenting at the public meeting, posted on the Clean Water Service Delivery Act webpage section on Public Notice
  • Visit the Clean Water Service Delivery Act webpage section on Public Notice to learn more about the public comment period and how to comment using the Environmental Notice Bulletin. Comments must be submitted via the Environmental Notice Bulletin by Monday, May 2, 2022. 
  • Attend Remotely: The presentation will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams (click here to join the Microsoft Teams meeting) for full meeting audio and visual. If you require a call-in option to participate (e.g., computer does not have a microphone), dial +1 802-828-7667 and enter phone conference ID: 820 363 667#.
  • Physical Location to Attend In-Person: Public who wish to attend in-person may join us at the Agency of Natural Resources, One National Life Drive, Montpelier, VT 05620-3510 in the Catamount Room (D215). Please indicate, using the online RSVP from, linked above, if you wish to join in-person so staff can plan accordingly with site security.

For more information on the public comment period, please visit the Clean Water Service Delivery Act webpage section on Public Notice.

If you have general questions about the public comment process, please contact us at with “Act 76 of 2019 Public Comment” as the subject line. REMINDER: Public comment on the DRAFT methodologies must be submitted through the Environmental Notice Bulletin to be accepted.


Public Meeting: Water Quality Restoration Formula Grant Targets and Fund Allocation Methodology

Join Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation's (VTDEC) Clean Water Initiative Program and Watershed Planning Program, on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 from noon to 1:30 pm, for a public meeting on the DRAFT Water Quality Restoration Formula Grant Targets and Fund Allocation Methodology. The DRAFT methodology is posted for public comment from Tuesday, March 29 through Monday, May 2, 2022.

  • Meeting Purpose: The purpose of the public meeting is to present an overview of the DRAFT Water Quality Restoration Formula Grant Targets and Fund Allocation Methodology and to receive and record public comment and respond to clarifying questions. Comments received during the public meeting will be recorded and compiled with written public comment.
  • Click here for presentation slides (includes agenda)
  • Action Items to Prepare to Attend the Public Meeting:
    • RSVP: Please RSVP by completing this online RSVP form, preferred by Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 9:00 am. Please indicate, using the RSVP form, if assistance is needed to participate in the meeting, if you wish to comment during the meeting, and if you plan to attend virtually or in-person at the physical meeting location.
    • Attendees are encouraged to review the DRAFT Water Quality Restoration Formula Grant Targets and Fund Allocation Methodology before attending and commenting at the public meeting, posted on the Clean Water Service Delivery Act webpage section on Public Notice
    • Visit the Clean Water Service Delivery Act webpage section on Public Notice to learn more about the public comment period and how to comment using the Environmental Notice Bulletin. Comments must be submitted via the Environmental Notice Bulletin by Monday, May 2, 2022. 
  • Attend Remotely: The presentation will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams (click here to join the Microsoft Teams meeting) for full meeting audio and visual. If you require a call-in option to participate (e.g., computer does not have a microphone), dial +1 802-828-7667 and enter phone conference ID: 794 007 491#.
  • Physical Location to Attend In-Person: Public who wish to attend in-person may join us at the Agency of Natural Resources, One National Life Drive, Montpelier, VT 05620-3510 in the Catamount Room (D215). Please indicate, using the online RSVP from, linked above, if you wish to join in-person so staff can plan accordingly with site security.

For more information on the public comment period, please visit the Clean Water Service Delivery Act webpage section on Public Notice.

If you have general questions about the public comment process, please contact us at with “Act 76 of 2019 Public Comment” as the subject line. REMINDER: Public comment on the DRAFT methodologies must be submitted through the Environmental Notice Bulletin to be accepted.



Public Meeting for Stream Reclassification Petitions

Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 1253, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation received petitions to reclassify the following streams: Alder Brook and Blue Bank Brook in Ripton and Lincoln, Vermont; and Goshen Brook in Goshen, Hancock, and Ripton, Vermont. The petitions request the streams be reclassified from B(2) to A(1) for Aquatic Biota, Aquatic Habitat, and Aesthetics Designated Uses in the Vermont Water Quality Standards. The petitions are posted online at

A public meeting is scheduled Thursday, October 7, 2021, 5:30 – 7:30 pm. The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation is seeking public comments on the petitions. Any person can submit oral or written statements and data concerning the petitions. The meeting facilitator may fix reasonable limits on the time allowed for oral statements. The meeting will be held at the Community House, 1305 Vermont Route 125, Ripton, and online via Microsoft Teams. To join the meeting remotely, click “Join Microsoft Teams Meeting” at the scheduled time or call 802-828-7667 and enter the Conference ID number: 366 905 447#. Note: the call-in option provides audio only.

The following guidelines will help facilitate participation in the meeting:

  • If you would like to comment during the meeting, please send an email to Bethany Sargent or call 802-490-6131 by 4:00 pm on October 6, 2021. A list of names will be created chronologically from the time the request was received. There will also be a sign-up sheet at the meeting, or you can indicate you’d like to comment in the Microsoft Teams chat box after joining.
  • If you are joining the meeting via Microsoft Teams, you will be “in the lobby” until a meeting facilitator admits you into the meeting. You will be muted once you are admitted.
  • Please remain muted unless instructed otherwise. Unmuting yourself may negatively impact the audio for all meeting participants.
  • When a meeting facilitator indicates it is your turn to ask a question or state your comment, unmute yourself by clicking the microphone symbol or press *6 if you called in to the meeting.

If you would like to submit a comment after the meeting has ended, comments will be accepted via email to Bethany Sargent (please use "Stream Reclassification Public Comment" in the subject line) or mail to the following address by 4:00 pm on Monday, October 18, 2021:

Attn: Bethany Sargent

Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

Watershed Management Division

1 National Life Drive, Davis 3

Montpelier, VT 05620-3522


Public Meeting for Stream Reclassification Petitions

Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 1253, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation received petitions to reclassify the following streams: Alder Brook and Blue Bank Brook in Ripton and Lincoln, Vermont; and Goshen Brook in Goshen, Hancock, and Ripton, Vermont. The petitions, linked here, request the streams be reclassified from B(2) to A(1) for Aquatic Biota, Aquatic Habitat, and Aesthetics Designated Uses in the Vermont Water Quality Standards.

The purpose of the public meeting is for the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation and the petitioners to explain the petitions, and for the public to ask questions and comment on the petitions. Any person can submit oral or written statements and data concerning the petitions.  

The meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams. Join the meeting at the scheduled time by clicking the “Join Microsoft Teams Meeting” link below or by calling 802-828-7667 and entering the Conference ID number: 668 725 898#. 

The following rules will help facilitate the meeting and minimize interruptions:

  • If you would like to verbally ask a question or comment during the meeting, please email Bethany Sargent or call 802-490-6131 by 4:00 pm on March 29, 2021. A list of names will be created chronologically from the time the request was received.
  • When you join the meeting, you will be “in the lobby” until a meeting presenter admits you into the meeting. You will be muted once you are admitted.
  • Please remain muted unless instructed otherwise. Unmuting yourself may negatively impact the audio for all meeting participants.
  • When a meeting presenter indicates it is your turn to ask a question or state your comment, unmute yourself by clicking the microphone symbol or press *6 if you called in to the meeting. Before moving to the next individual, a meeting presenter will mute your audio again.
  • Public comments can be submitted using the chat box, which will be visible to online meeting participants. If there is still time remaining in the meeting and those that requested to speak in advance have spoken, you may request to speak in the chat box. Please wait to be called on by a meeting presenter before speaking. If called on, please unmute yourself.

If you would like to submit a comment after the meeting has ended, comments will be accepted via email to Bethany Sargent or mail to the address above (Attn: Bethany Sargent) through Friday, April 9, 2021.


Clean Water Budget Public Hearing

Attend the Clean Water Budget Public Hearing - Thursday, August 22, 2019, at 10:00 am, in the Winooski Room (M240), National Life Building, Montpelier

Learn more about clean water funding and the budget process and provide comments on the state's fiscal year 2021 clean water funding priorities. Attend in person (RSVP by email) or online (via Skype for Business). Visit the Clean Water Fund webpage for more information.

Draft Rule: EPR Ch 2 Municipal Pollution Control Priority System

The Facilities Engineering Division in response to Vermont Act 103 of 2016 has prepared an update to Environmental Protection Rule, Chapter 2: The Municipal Pollution Control Project Priority System.

This draft Rule defines how projects are ranked annually on the project priority list of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, as well as certain project eligibilities, and now includes a project bypass system that is similar to the one used by the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.  The draft Rule now considers broader ranges of project types and eligibilities, water quality concerns, and sustainability issues.  The draft Rule also ranks how projects are considered for Vermont Pollution Control Grants and the way that those grants are calculated. 

The draft rule may be downloaded in pdf format from our website.  

Public comment is open through: Friday, September 29, 2017.

A public comment meeting will be held on September 22, 2017 at the ANR Annex Building, 190 Junction Road, Berlin  from 1:30PM to 3:30PM.

Please send written comments to: Lynnette Claudon ; or 1 National Life Drive, Main 1, Montpelier VT 05620.

For questions, please call Lynnette Claudon at 802-490-6226.

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