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2003 TMDL Acid Impaired Waterbodies

September 30, 2003
2003 TMDL Acid Impaired Waterbodies (thirty lakes):
VT12-04L01 Adams Reservoir VT08-13L01 Hardwood VT11-18L06 Moses
VT03-18L03 Big Mud VT12-05L01 Haystack VT03-11L01 North (Bristol)
VT01-05L01 Bourn VT12-02L02 Howe VT17-02L03 Round (Holland)
VT01-06L01 Branch VT06-06L01 Kings Hill VT12-03L03 Somerset
VT17-02L06 Duck VT07-13L02 Lake of the Clouds VT12-07L01 South (Marlboro)
VT11-15L01 Forester VT12-04L04 Little (Woodford) VT12-02L03 Stamford
VT03-11L02 Gilmore VT03-18L07 Little Mud (Mt. Tabor) VT11-16L01 Stratton
VT03-18L02 Griffith VT03-18L06 Long Hole VT11-08L01 Sunset
VT12-03L01 Grout VT01-05L11 Lye Brook Pond (N) VT17-02L02 Turtle
VT17-03L03 Halfway VT01-05L12 Lye Brook Pond (S) VT16-11L01 Unknown (Averys Gore)
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