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Lake Wise Info Sheet - Restore Natural Plant Communities

August 23, 2022
Natural communities are made of plants and animals growing and living together in landscapes characterized by specific soil, water, and climate conditions. Native shoreland vegetation is essential for protecting lake water quality and wildlife habitat. Vermont has over 800 lakes with several natural lakeshore communities, ranging from cobble and sandy beaches to wetlands to northern hardwood forests. Planting native species and protecting and encouraging natural plant communities along Vermont shorelands is one of the most important things we can do to protect lake health, clean drinking water, biodiversity, and recreational opportunities.

Lake Wise Info Sheet - Managing Invasive Plants

August 23, 2022
Invasive species are non-native plants, animals, algae, fungi, or pathogens that threaten and often outcompete native species and undermine the function and integrity of an ecosystem. They are typically a result of human degraded environments and introduction. Limiting the growth or eradicating invasive species is critical to protecting the survival and diversity of native plant species, which are the foundation for ecosystem health, wildlife habitat, water quality protection, and aesthetic and recreational value.
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