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Public Invited to Join Meeting to Discuss Water Quality Plan for the Ottauquechee and Black Rivers and Nearby Connecticut River

May 16, 2023


For Immediate Release – May 16, 2023


Marie Caduto, Watershed Planner

Department of Environmental Conservation


Public Invited to Join Meeting to Discuss Water Quality Plan for the Ottauquechee and Black Rivers and Nearby Connecticut River

Montpelier, VT – State and regional planners are hosting two meetings in May 2023 about the state’s Draft Tactical Basin Plan for the Ottauquechee and Black Rivers and adjacent Connecticut River Tributaries (Basin 10). This Plan has been developed to protect and restore rivers, lakes, and wetlands in southeastern Vermont from Killington to Springfield.

“Tactical basin plans are the guidebooks for achieving healthy watersheds – from identifying surface waters that need restoration and protection to outlining action items to achieve water quality goals,” said Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner John Beling. “Attending these public meetings allows community members to collaborate on strategies for protecting their local lakes, rivers, and wetlands.”

May 22, 2023 at 6:00 PM

In-Person Location:

The Thompson Senior Center, 99 Senior Lane, Woodstock, VT 05091

May 23, 2023  at 6:00 PM

In-Person Location:

Weathersfield Town Office, 5259 US-5, Ascutney, VT 05030

Both meetings can be attended online. For online access, please register in advance

The public comment period for this water quality plan runs from May 10 until June 10. Please submit comments at one of the public meetings or by email at Public comments can be submitted by mail to Marie Caduto, Basin 10 Comments, 100 Mineral Street, Suite 303, Springfield, VT 05156. State officials will respond to each comment in a summary written later this summer.

The Tactical Basin Plan identifies actions that will protect or improve rivers, lakes, and wetlands through cost-effective projects, including floodplain restorations and dam removals. The plan includes 57 priority strategies focused on water quality and aquatic habitat. One such project is to work with lake communities to mitigate stormwater runoff from development and private roads reaching the lakes.

“The new Basin 10 plan includes climate adaptation and social equity strategies to protect these two beautiful river valleys as well as improving access for users and residents,” says Pete Fellows, Natural Resources Planner for Two-Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission.

Visit the Basin 10 web page for more information about the Draft Tactical Basin Plan, dates and locations of the public meetings, and an interactive StoryMap.

Paper copies can be requested, and comments can be submitted via email, by contacting Marie Caduto at or 802-490-6142.


The Department of Environmental Conservation is responsible for protecting Vermont's natural resources and safeguarding human health for the benefit of this and future generations. Visit and follow the Department of Environmental Conservation on Facebook and Instagram.