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File Name File Category File Format
1988 305b Water Quality Assessment Report WSMD_mapp_305b WQ Report_1988.pdf (8.14 MB) CWA Section 305B Reports PDF
Vermont Wetland Rules - 1990 wsmd_Vermont_Wetland_Rules_1990.pdf (9.35 MB) Rules PDF
Amendment to the Vermont Water Pollution Control Regulations, Chapter 13 dec-wpc-chap1312-1991-10-07.pdf (12.62 KB) Regulations PDF
Agency Procedure for Determining Acceptable Minimum Stream Flows wsmd-stream-flow-procedure-1993-07-14.pdf (42 KB) Policy or Procedure PDF
A Longterm Evaluation of the Effects of TFM on Non-target Fish and Macroinvertebrates In Lewis Creek, Vermont A Longterm Evaluation of the Effects of TFM on Non-target Fish and Macroinvertebrates In Lewis Creek, Vermont (132.77 KB) Lampricide treatments/TFM PDF
Procedure for Determining Significant Non-Compliance for Vermont's Water Pollution Control Permit Program wsmd-procedure-determining-significant-noncompliance-wpc-permit-program-1995-09-03.pdf (146.37 KB) Policy or Procedure PDF
Waste Management Zone Designation Procedure WasteManagementZoneDesignationProcedure_1995-12-01.pdf (321.59 KB) Policy or Procedure PDF
Water Withdrawals for Snowmaking Rule wsmd-water-withdrawal-snow-rule-1996-02-15.pdf (39.18 KB) Rules PDF
The Effects of a Lampricide Treatment of TFM on Non-target Fish and Macroinvertebrates In Trout Brook, Milton, Vermont - September, 1995 The Effects of a Lampricide Treatment of TFM on Non-target Fish and Macroinvertebrates In Trout Brook, Milton, VT (145.49 KB) Lampricide treatments/TFM PDF
1996 305b Lake Water Quality Assessment Report 1996 305b Lake Water Quality Assessment Report (132.97 KB) CWA Section 305B Reports PDF