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An Update on Agricultural Tile Drains

You are invited to join the Vermont Clean Water Initiative for the 2016-2017 Act 64 Brown Bag Lecture Series

Thursday, March 9th, 11:00 am—noon : Agricultural Tile Drainage Update

Speakers: Laura DiPietro, Deputy Director, Agricultural Resource Management Division, Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets; Marli Rupe, Assistant Program Manager and Agricultural Water Quality Specialist, Clean Water Initiative Program, Department of Environmental Conservation

A recent report to the legislature by the Agencies of Natural Resources and Agriculture, Food and Markets describes current knowledge about tiles, often conflicting research results on the impact of tile drainage on water quality, and the need to base decisions that impact farming economics and management on sound science. Learn about each agency's perspective and next steps for addressing this important issue in Vermont. 

To attend in person, RSVP to or participate remotely by using the Skype for Business link.

Event Date
March 9, 2017 to March 9, 2017