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Reducing Phosphorus Pollution from Rivers

Thursday, April 27th 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

National Life Main Building – Winooski Room, M240

Speaker: Staci Pomeroy, River Scientist, Department of Environmental Conservation

In Vermont, river instability contributes the second largest phosphorus load, just over 20%, to Lake Champlain. Learn how projects to protect and restore river corridors in the Lake Champlain Basin are helping to reduce this phosphorus load and improve flood resiliency. 

Limited seating is available. For more information and to RSVP (if attending in person), email or call Bethany Sargent at (802) 490-6131. 

If you would like to attend remotely you can watch the presentation using the Skype for Business link.

Event Date
April 27, 2017 to April 27, 2017