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Historic Preservation Review

As part of the State Environmental Review Procedure for projects funded by the CWSRF and DWSRF or other SRF affiliated state funds administered by WID a review of the potential impacts to Historic Resources within project area is required.  This review is carried out by the Vermont Department Historic Preservation (VDHP), a part of Vermont ACCD.

This is required as part of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.

The Historic Preservation Review should be considered early in project development, scoped when preparing the Step 2 ESA, and submitted for review with the 30% design submittal.  When developing the Step 2 ESA, please include a scope for Archeology and Historic Preservation investigations.

Here is a tool to help in understanding the sensitivity of the Area of Potential Effect for your project.

With the exception of the exempt project types outlined below, most projects will require at a minimum an Archaeology Resource Assessment (ARA).  The ARA scope should be included in the ESA.  The ARA must be specific to the Area of Potential Effect and conducted within the last 5 years, consistent with the CWSRF & DWSRF State Environmental Review Procedure(s).  If the Area of Potential Effect is changed during project development additional Archeological Assessment may be required.   

Proposed Activities Not Requiring Archaeological Resource Assessment

A. DEC will individually review these types of projects and make a final determination.

  1. Construction within footprint of existing structure (unless the structure is in a floodplain).

    a. Definition of Structure: A structure is a walled and roofed building, including a gas or liquid storage tank, that is principally above ground, as well as a manufactured home.
  2. Water Sources - The development, construction or renovation of a water source that involves the disturbance of an area less than 100 square feet to a depth less than six (6) inches. Examples include drilled wells and springs.
  3. Purchase, expansion, renovation, modification, repair, or demolition of an existing structure that is less than fifty years old, that is not located in or adjacent to a historic district, and that does not involve new ground disturbance.
  4. Construction within the disturbed boundaries of a post-1950 residential, industrial, or commercial development.

    a. Definition of Development: Development means any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations or storage of equipment or materials.
  5. Infrastructure replacement within existing trenching that has been previously assessed.

Proposed Activities Requiring Archaeological Resource Assessment or Historic Preservation Review

A. All proposed activities not specifically listed above require an archaeological

resource assessment.

If further archaeological analysis in the form of a Phase I Assessment is needed, VDHP expects to review scopes of services for this work. 

Preparing for your submittal:

  1. Please complete this Section 106 Review Request Form.  
  2. Please prepare a map showing the Area of Potential Effect (APE) - this is effectively the limits of disturbance for the entire project site.
  3. Please export a shape file of the APE.
  4. Please include any photos or reports requested in the Section 106 form.
  5. Include any ARAs or Phase 1 reports.
  6. Include the latest plan set.
  7. Make a submittal of all of the above to your assigned DCE engineer for review and formal submittal to VDHP.



DCE SOP for Historic Review

Historic Preservation Review MOA 2017

VT APE Project Sensitivity Tool

Section 106 Review Form

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