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Spill Management

To Report a Spill:

During regular office hours:                         802-828-1138

(M-F 7:45am – 4:30pm EST)                                  

24-Hour HAZMAT HOTLINE:                         800-641-5005

National Response Center:                          800-424-8802

(for impacts or potential impacts to surface water)

The Spill Program assesses the environmental impact of hazardous materials spills, oversees the cleanup of spills, and enforces environmental laws and regulations triggered by releases of hazardous materials to the environment (See:Vermont Statutes Specific to Spills and Vermont Hazardous Waste Management Regulations (VHWMR), 7-105).  A team member is available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, year-round. The Spill Program works with first responders and responsible parties to determine if a spill impacts or threatens sensitive receptors such as surface waters or drinking water wells and ensures the cleanup is performed to State standards. Team members oversee the cleanup of spills, and work with Environmental Enforcement to enforce applicable environmental regulations. The Spill Program has the authority to hire cleanup contractors when the responsible party cannot be identified in a timely manner or is unwilling/unable to conduct the cleanup. It is also obligated to pursue cost recovery from potentially responsible parties when State funds have been expended.

Spill Reporting:

Spills must be reported immediately (as the response allows). Do not report a spill by email, text or any written form of communication. You must talk directly with someone from Emergency Management or a member of the Spill Program. Leaving only a voicemail will not suffice. Use the spill reporting numbers above. Do not call Spill Program members' direct lines to report a spill. For spills that impact (or potentially impact) surface water, you will also need to call the National Response Center. For general program questions or information about reporting requirements contact James Donaldson at (802) 828-1138 (or request to speak to a different program member if James is unavailable).

What types of spills need to be reported?

  • Any discharge of hazardous waste, or release of hazardous material that exceeds 2 gallons;
  • A discharge of hazardous waste, or release of hazardous material that is less than or equal to 2 gallons and poses a potential or actual threat to human health and the environment;
  • A discharge of hazardous waste, or release of hazardous material that equals or exceeds its corresponding reportable quantity under CERCLA as specified under 40 CFR § 302.4.

Please see Hazardous Material Spill Response Fact Sheet for additional information.

Photo: depiction of the size a 2-gallon release on a packed gravel surface.

Note: All discharges of hazardous waste, or releases of hazardous materials that exceed 2-gallons, are required to be reported. The above photo illustrates what a 2-gallon spill may look like on a packed gravel surface.

Spill Database:

The Spill Database contains recent and historical spill information including the release location, type of product released, nature of incident and more. To find out spill manager contact information for a specific spill, search the database using the facility name, address, responsible party, or report number. Once you have located the spill, click "view".

Important Spill Management Links:

Spill Reporting Form  (NEW) - This form may be submitted to document initial and potentially follow-up response actions conducted to address releases of hazardous materials.

Cleanup Contractors List (RECENTLY UPDATED) - A list of cleanup contractors that perform work in Vermont.

Consultant's List - A list of environmental consultants that perform work in Vermont.