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Biennial Hazardous Waste Report Information

Biennial Reporting

Who needs to report?

All large quantity generators (LQGs); permitted treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDFs); and any other generators that operated as an LQG for any month in 2023 are required to complete the Biennial Hazardous Waste Report (EPA Forms). If you have questions about whether you should complete a report, contact:

Wendy Edwards


How do I complete the reporting requirement?

Electronic reporting is required. Vermont will be using the RCRAInfo website to complete the Biennial Report (BR). Please go to the website and follow the prompts to register.

If a waiver has been approved, paper reporting is allowed. For paper reporting, the EPA forms and instruction booklet can be found on the EPA website.

New this year:

LQG facilities may opt out of completing BRs if their notified LQG status is based on the generation of Vermont-listed hazardous wastes (any hazardous waste with waste code that begins with VT, such as VT02) and they do not meet the BR criteria listed above. To opt out of the reporting requirement, an industry user must use the BR module through EPA’s RCRAinfo Database to notify the State of Vermont that they are not subject to BR requirements. To complete this, select “Create New Submission” in the BR module of RCRAinfo; when prompted to upload or complete data entry, select the new option that states “To notify your regulator (State of VT) that you no longer meet the requirements to submit a Biennial Report.” Please contact Wendy Edwards (see above) if you are not sure whether this applies to your facility, and your question will be directed to one of the Program's hazardous waste inspectors.

Where can I find a summary of the waste my facility shipped in 2023?

Manifest information can be accessed directly via the Environmental Research Tool ERT (this application allows you to search other databases maintained by the Waste Management & Prevention Division). Use the Hazardous Waste Generators link and your EPA ID# to find information for your facility; click the “view” button, and confirm the information is accurate. Click "view manifest report" at the bottom of the page to search for and view all manifests in our database for a specific date range.

When is the report due?

The deadline to submit the report is March 1, 2024.

Does Vermont require the completion of the Off-Site Identification (OI) form?

No, this is not required.

If a waiver has been approved, what is the mailing address to send paper copies and the signature page of electronic copies?

BR Submittals

VTDEC- Waste Management & Prevention 1 National Life Drive, Davis 1

Montpelier VT 05620-3704

ATTN: Wendy Edwards