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Large Quantity Generator (LQG)

Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate the most waste and are subject to most stringent requirements. LQGs must comply with specific requirements for waste testing and recordkeeping, closure requirements, more stringent storage time limits, and more stringent employee training and contingency planning requirements. LQG requirements are specified under Section 7-308 of Subchapter 3 of the VHWMR

Large quantity generators:

  • generate 2,200 pounds or more of hazardous waste or 2.2 pounds or more of acutely hazardous waste in a calendar month.
  • generate 220 pounds or more of any residue or contaminated soil, waste, or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a discharge of any acutely hazardous waste in a calendar month.
  • accumulate a quantity of hazardous waste on-site that exceeds 13,200 pounds at any one time.
  • accumulate a quantity of acutely hazardous waste on-site that equals or exceeds 2.2 pounds at any one time.
  • accumulate a quantity of any residue or contaminated soil, waste, or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a discharge of any acutely hazardous waste, onsite that equals or exceeds 220 pounds at any one time.

Checklist used by program inspectors during inspections to evaluate compliance for facility reference:

Large Quantity Generator (LQG) Checklist