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Clean Water Budget Priorities Input Sought

October 1, 2020

Vermont’s Clean Water Board is asking the public to weigh in on how they would like to see approximately $30 million, available in 2022, put to use to clean up water pollution across the state. Public input will help the Board prioritize funding for projects that improve water quality in Vermont’s lakes, streams, and wetlands.

Vermont’s water quality funding helps municipalities, farmers, and others implement projects that reduce pollution washing into Vermont’s waterways. Examples of projects include everything from farmers applying improved land management practices, to homeowners protecting and restoring river channels and floodplains, to municipalities stabilizing roadside erosion, and more. Beyond reducing water pollution, clean water projects provide other benefits, such as protecting Vermonters from damaging floods.

You can send your suggestions and comments to the Clean Water Board via this short online questionnaire through Friday, October 30th at 4:00 pm. To request a printed copy of the questionnaire, or other accommodations to participate in the public comment period, email Printed copy questionnaire responses must be postmarked by October 30th and mailed to:

Attention: Vermont Clean Water Initiative Program

Department of Environmental Conservation

One National Life Drive, Davis 3

Montpelier, VT 05620-3522

The public is also invited to learn more about clean water funding and the budget process, and provide comments in person virtually during the Clean Water Budget Public Hearing on Thursday, October 22, 2020, at 12:00 pm. Visit the Clean Water Board Meetings webpage for details, including a link to the virtual hearing, and to RSVP.

The Vermont Clean Water Fund was created by Act 64 of 2015, known as the “Vermont Clean Water Act.” The law established a Clean Water Board to administer the Fund and develop an annual budget proposal that broadly outlines state funding for clean water improvement programs and activities. Vermont’s Clean Water Board includes the Secretaries of the Agencies of Administration; Agriculture, Food and Markets; Commerce and Community Development; Natural Resources; and Transportation, as well as four members of the public appointed by the Governor.

For more information, visit the Clean Water Board webpage and view the Board’s current draft State Fiscal Year 2022 clean water budget and clean water funding factsheet.