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VCDA 2019 Fall Conference: A Look Down the Pipeline: Improving Community Infrastructure

Fall Conference: 



Communities throughout Vermont are grappling with infrastructure challenges – water, sewer, transportation and streetscape projects - all key components in economic and community development. The process is lengthy, the disruption inconvenient, resources strained – but there are resources and technical assistance available as well as initiatives that can be shared.

Join us on Tuesday, November 5th, in the Brandon Town Hall to hear from professionals and community leaders to engage in discussions - about community-based strategies around infrastructure projects to improve wastewater solutions, address traffic and safety, improve downtown and village aesthetics and boost economic development and community vitality.

In the final part of the day, we will not only hear about Brandon’s major streetscape redevelopment project, but will have a chance to walk around and see the results of their vision for a sustainable and thriving economic future for their town. 

Village wastewater speakers include Lynnette Claudon of Vermont DEC and Linda Lotti of the One Burke Infrastructure Task Force.




Event Date
November 5, 2019 to November 5, 2019