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Environmental Workshop for Vehicle Service

Environmental Workshop for Vehicle Service

Learn about environmental compliance, waste handling and reduction, and ways to saving money.  The workshops are presented by the non-regulatory Environmental Assistance Office, and will focus on what vehicle service repair technicians need to know when it comes to operating a facility in complicate with environmental regulations and rules.

A hard-copy of the new Vermont Environmental Guide for Vehicle Service, a guide book summarizing potential compliance issues, will be handed out during the training. 

Coffee, juice and breakfast pastries will be served.
There is no fee to attend.
Contact Katie Murray to register:

June 7th (Tuesday), 9:00 to 11:30am              
Brattleboro Savings and Loan.
221 Main St.  Participants at this location must use metered public parking, and cannot use bank parking
*Training 9:00 to 11:30am

Event Date
June 7, 2016 to June 7, 2016