Fact sheets created or updated after February 1, 2022:
Accumulation and Storage of Hazardous Waste
Aerosol Cans - Managing as Universal Waste
Conditional Exemptions
Contaminated Wipes
Emergency Preparedness and Prevention - SQGs
Emergency Preparedness and Prevention - LQGs
Episodic Events
Making a Hazardous Waste Determination
Oil Filters
Oily Wastes
Recycling Exemptions
Solar Panel Frequent Questions (U.S. EPA webpage)
Solid Waste Facilities (Managing Hazardous Waste)
Spill Response (Hazardous Materials)
Transporters of Hazardous Waste
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Facilities - Managing Hazardous Waste
Universal Waste
Used Oil
Used Oil Burning
Vaping Devices
The resources below will be updated to align with the Vermont Hazardous Waste Management Regulations (as of February 1, 2022). Please be aware that they may contain outdated information:
Fuel and Fuel/Water Mixtures
Household Batteries
Lead-Containing Paint Waste
Light bulbs (Fluorescent & HID Mercury Containing)
Oil/Water Separators
Paint Booth Filters
Parts Cleaning (Aqueous)
Parts Cleaning (Petroleum-Based)
Scrap Metal
Televisions and Computer Monitors
USDOT Regulation Affects Hazardous Waste Generators
Waste Motor Vehicle Fuel and System Components
The fact sheets below were developed by other Programs and Agencies. Please be aware that they may contain outdated information:
Electronic Devices
Floor Drains
Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Batteries
Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Regulation
Treated Wood Waste
Vaping/E-Cigarette Devices and Safe Management in Schools