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Proper Recycling and Disposal of Paint

The Vermont Paint Recycling program offers FREE recycling for paints, stains, and varnishes at locations across Vermont. The paint is blended and sold for reuse all around Vermont rather than being wasted. The program is funded by paint manufacturers (Act 58).

See below for information on (1) drop off locations, (2) paint storage and safety, (3) collector resources, and (4) Vermont's Paint Stewardship Program.

1. Paint Free Drop-off Locator

paint recovery website image


2. Paint Storage and Safety Tips

Paint Types:

  • Oil-based paint: Hazardous and flammable; never throw away in the trash.stacked old paint cans
  • Latex paint: Never throw away liquid paint; check with your local solid waste management entity if hardened latex paint can go in the trash.

Safe Storage Do's and Don'ts

3. Collector Resources

See PaintCare for additional training resources and order outreach materials with this order form.

4. Vermont Paint Stewardship Program Information

Vermont's Paint Product Stewardship Act, passed in 2013, ensures leftover household paint is responsibly managed and recycled. The law requires paint manufacturers to support a stewardship program for collecting and disposing of unused oil-based and latex paint. PaintCare, the organization representing manufacturers, has run this program in Vermont since 2014.