Wetlands General Permit 3-9025 Expired October 3, 202
October 3, 2018
The Secretary of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources is issuing this general permit
pursuant to 10 V.S.A. §905b and §9.7 of the Vermont Wetland Rules, effective August 15,
2018, for certain specified activities within certain wetlands and buffers in order to more
effectively and efficiently regulate and protect Vermont’s wetlands. The Secretary reserves the
right in Section IX.J of this general permit to require an individual permit if deemed necessary
to protect wetlands or buffers.
pursuant to 10 V.S.A. §905b and §9.7 of the Vermont Wetland Rules, effective August 15,
2018, for certain specified activities within certain wetlands and buffers in order to more
effectively and efficiently regulate and protect Vermont’s wetlands. The Secretary reserves the
right in Section IX.J of this general permit to require an individual permit if deemed necessary
to protect wetlands or buffers.