2023 Ottauquechee, Black Rivers Tactical Basin Plan
September 20, 2023
The Tactical Basin Plan provides an overview of the basin, describes the water quality and habitat conditions and lays out the strategies and actions recommended for implementation to protect or improve rivers, lakes, and wetlands through cost-effective projects, including floodplain restorations, dam removals and 15 other types of projects. The 57 priority strategies focus on improving water quality and aquatic habitat in all land use sectors including agriculture, developed lands, wastewater and natural resources.
Wetlands Site Screening Guidance
March 8, 2023
Tips & Tricks, Tools & Techniques to conduct a desktop review for wetland presence/absence on the land. There are numerous resources out there and things to look for. Please see our YouTube training presentation and this cheat sheet. https://youtu.be/n2pTGVWSeb4
Vermont Wetland Rules - 2020
January 21, 2021
This is a superseded version of the Vermont Wetland Rules.
Methodology Creation for Understanding Stressors of Solar Farm Development in Agricultural Wet-Meadows Type Wetlands
May 1, 2020
Methodology and data analysis of monitoring at five solar sites during two growing seasons. Prepared by Arrowwood Environmental and Fitzgerald Environmental Associates, LLC for Vermont DEC.
Administrative Review and Permitting Process for Wetland Permit Applications
Information on Administrative Review
What is administrative review? It is an initial check to see if the form has been filled out, required documents submitted, and fees are correct. Around 60% of all applications do not pass the initial check! To make sure your application makes the first cut, use the below check list before submitting your application.
Wetlands General Permit 3-9026
November 19, 2018
The Secretary of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (Secretary) hereby issues this general permit pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 905b and §§ 9.8 and 9.9 of the Vermont Wetland Rules (VWR) (effective August 15, 2018), for the purpose of expediting the permitting process for certain specified water quality improvement projects conducted in Class II wetlands and their buffer zones. Should any project proponent be uncertain with regard to the interpretation of, application of, or compliance with the provisions of this General Permit, the project proponent should engage the services of a qualified consultant or contact a Department of Environmental Conservation Wetlands Ecologist. Department contact information is located at: http://dec.vermont.gov/watershed/wetlands/contact