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Class I Wetlands

Class I Petition Form

Existing Class I Wetlands

Class I wetlands are exceptional or irreplaceable in their contribution to Vermont’s natural heritage.  They provide unmatched environmental functions and values and therefore merit the highest level of protection.  This page provides information about our existing Class I wetlands, what Class I status means, and how to petition for your wetland to receive Class I protections.

Procedure for Evaluating Petitions to Adopt, Amend or Repeal Surface Water and Wetland Rules

November 15, 2013
DEC is issuing this "Procedure for Evaluating Petitions to Adopt, Amend or Repeal Surface Water and Wetland Rules" to provide guidelines for potential petitioners and other persons or entities interested in DEC's surface water and wetlands rulemaking. This procedure is intended to promote clear, transparent and consistent decision-making and assist petitioners and interested entities in submitting petitions during this interim period until the Secretary adopts a Department rule to supplant the LURB's Rules of Procedure. This procedure replaces the interim procedure of the same name signed on January 30, 2013.
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