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Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF)

Clean Water Board Questionnaire

The Clean Water Board is asking the public to provide feedback on the draft SFY 2026 Clean Water Budget through this online questionnaire. Please provide your thoughts on whether you believe funding levels are sufficient and whether you agree with the Board's proposed prioritization of funding across programs. The Clean Water Board will consider public input before making its final Clean Water Budget recommendation in December. 

Clean Watersheds Needs Survey

Vermont is participating in the 2022 National Clean Watersheds Needs Survey.  The survey starts March 1, 2022 and ends April 28, 2023 and performed by US EPA with participation from all of the States.  The survey collects reports and cost information for all of the projects that are planned and needed by states and municipalities to comply with our Clean Water Act obligations. EPA will then compile the survey information and create a report to Congress.

Historic Preservation Review

As part of the State Environmental Review Procedure for projects funded by the CWSRF and DWSRF or other SRF affiliated state funds administered by WID a review of the potential impacts to Historic Resources within project area is required.  This review is carried out by the Vermont Department Historic Preservation (VDHP), a part of Vermont ACCD.

This is required as part of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.

WISPr Water Infrastructure Sponsorship Program

WISPr funding application

What is Sponsorship?

The Water Infrastructure Sponsorship Program (WISPr) is intended to address a limited and under-assisted category of water resource needs in Vermont known as natural resource projects (NRP). The goal of WISPr is to counter the loss of ecological function and biological diversity that jeopardize the health of Vermont’s water resources by providing financial resources.

How to Select A Consultant

The Brooks Act requires that federally funded projects obtain professional design services through Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) Procurement.  The Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014 required this process for all CWSRF funded projects.  There is a waiver process currently available, please talk with your project developer if your community might need a waiver.

WID has prepared several documents to help federally funded projects though the QBS procurement process:

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