Hazard Area Bylaws
Vermont DEC has prepared model regulations for communities to work with. They have been pre-reviewed by FEMA and meet or exceed the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. In addition, adoption and enforcement of Section D, River Corridors, qualifies communities for enhanced cost share under the Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund.
2022 VT Model Stand Alone Flood Hazard Bylaw
2018 Model Hazard Bylaws Release Cover
- Section A - Introduction Language
- Section B - Abbreviations and Definitions
- Section C - Administration
- Section D - River Corridors (Erosion)
- Section E - Flood Hazard Areas (Inundation)
Community Procedure for Determinations of Substantial Improvement/Substantial Damage.
Also, please see more information on the After the Flood page.
Higher Standards Cross-walk; a side by side comparison and discussion of model bylaw standards against the federal minimum requirements.
Contact your DEC Regional Floodplain Manager if you have questions or would like a Word version of the text for editing.
DEC Review of Municipal Permit Applications
Vermont statute (24 V.S.A. §4424(2)(D) requires that all municipal permit applications for flood or other hazard area development be sent to the Rivers Program for a review and comment. Flood hazard regulations can be complex, and this requirement allows the Program to help communities meet the regulatory obligations under their adopted bylaws and the National Flood Insurance Program.
How to submit applications for review
Flood Training - for administrators of flood and river corridor bylaws and municipal officials
Flood Ready Vermont - for community planners and leaders
Key Floodplain Management Issues for Local Officials in Vermont