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drinking water - water quality monitoring

Revised Total Coliform Rule

The Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) is effective April 1, 2016 and utilizes regular bacteria (coliform) monitoring as an indicator for system integrity, to signal possible fecal contamination, and the presence of waterborne pathogens. The RTCR applies to every public drinking water system in Vermont. This new rule is an update to the 1989 Total Coliform Rule and provides some key changes.

Water Quality Monitoring

Water systems are responsible for conducting monitoring of drinking water to ensure that it meets all drinking water standards as determined by its monitoring schedule, which can be checked via the database below. The frequency of monitoring is often dependent on the contaminant and the population served by the public water system.

Public water systems serving large populations generally require more monitoring because of the greater potential impact of violations

Certified Labs

Public Water Systems conducting water quality monitoring for constituents under the Safe Drinking Water Act State and State of Vermont Water Supply Rule, Chapter 21, are required to have all samples analyzed by a laboratory certified for drinking water analyses by the Vermont Department of Health.

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