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drinking water - water quality monitoring

Cyanotoxin Monitoring Program

The summer of 2024 marks the tenth year of DWGPD's voluntary cyanotoxin monitoring program for public drinking water systems. This program offers no-cost analysis of raw and finished water for microcystin (a potent liver toxin produced by some species of cyanobacteria) to surface water systems across the state.  Samples are analyzed on a weekly basis from July to early November by the Vermont Agriculture and Environmental Laboratory (VAEL).

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Water Quality Monitoring

All public water systems must perform water quality monitoring to demonstrate that the water provided to customers is safe to drink. The kinds of samples that are required, the number of samples that are required, and the frequency of collection are based on the water system type, population, treatment, and water quality history.  Water quality monitoring requirements for TNC water systems can be divided into two general categories:  source permitting water quality monitoring and routine water quality monitoring.

Revised Total Coliform Rule

The Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) is effective April 1, 2016 and utilizes regular bacteria (coliform) monitoring as an indicator for system integrity, to signal possible fecal contamination, and the presence of waterborne pathogens. The RTCR applies to every public drinking water system in Vermont. This new rule is an update to the 1989 Total Coliform Rule and provides some key changes.

Monitoring Schedules

Monitoring Schedules are provided on an annual basis by the Division, in mid-January.  Schedules are not finalized until an official notification email is sent to the system's official contacts of record (Administrative Contact and Designated Operator).  Once finalized, the current year schedule will no longer contain a red disclaimer message at the top that indicates an unofficial copy.

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