Innovative and Alternative Wastewater Technology
Innovative/Alternative (I/A) technology may be authorized by the Secretary for General Use (§ 1-402), Pilot Projects (§ 1-403) or Experimental Designs (§ 1-404) under the Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, effective 11/06/2023. The application process for approval of I/A technology is described in § 1-1004 of the Rules. Each approval for an I/A technology will contain conditions under which the system or product may be used. Approvals are for a specific length of time and require renewals at the end of the approval period. Approvals require annual reports from the manufacturer or vendor and may have other conditions.
Individual site specific Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply permits are not affected by the approval renewal requirements. However, conditions in the site specific permit may contain maintenance and/or monitoring requirements that may be modified, for example, prior to January 1, 2014 I/A permits with annual inspection and maintenance requirements required that a vendor-approved licensed designer or professional engineer oversee the inspections and maintenance. Beginning January 1, 2014 the State of Vermont will allow previously issued permit holders to utilize vendor-approved service providers to oversee the inspections. This simplification should reduce costs to homeowners and simplify the inspection/maintenance compliance process.
Some I/A technology may not fit within the standard methods of testing conducted by certified laboratories and test facilities. In those cases, testing protocols will be developed in cooperation with the testing facilities to allow those systems and products to be evaluated for their suitability for approval for use in Vermont.
Advanced Treatment Systems Approved in the Rules
- Intermittent Sand Filter §1-924
- Recirculating Sand Filter §1-924
Lists of Approved I/A Technology with Approved Service Providers
Application for I/A Approval
Applications for both new technology and renewals should be completed and submitted with all required supporting material required in § 1-405 of the Wastewater System and Potable Supply Rules to the Program via ANR Online I/A Application Form. An application may be submitted for either low-strength (residential) wastewater use or high-strength wastewater use, but not both. Separate applications may be submitted for a single technology for each wastewater strength category, with subsequent supporting documentation.
Field Inspection Reports
Permit conditions for Innovative Alternative Technology require that owners comply with the reporting and inspection/maintenance requirements outlined in their Permit and I/A Approval. The Reports must be submitted to the WW Program. All Inspection Reports for Innovative/Alternative technologies must be submitted by the Service Provider through ANROnline.
Innovative and Alternative Informational Fact Sheets
Notice to Owners of Innovative and Alternative (I/A) Wastewater Treatment Systems
Rules and Regulations
Rules and regulations related to wastewater and potable water supply systems less than 6500 gallons per day: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules - Effective on 11/06/2023
Dave Swift 802-345-7493
Resource Links
EPA’s Septic System Information for Homeowners
NEIWPCC (New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission)
NSF International (formerly National Sanitation Foundation) Product and Service Listing
NESC (National Environmental Services Center) Small Flows Clearinghouse
Technical Advisory Committee
Regional Offices
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)