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Public Water System Operator Certification

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Public drinking water systems are required to have an Operator certified by the DWGWPD.  The class of Operator Certification is based on the source water type, treatment, and population of a water system. A listing of class types can be found in Table 1. Certifications are valid for 3 years.

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Table 1: Operator Class Types
Class Source Water Type Treatment Technology
1A Groundwater TNC systems with ion exchange for water softening, cartridge filters, and/or limestone contactors.
1B Groundwater TNC systems with Disinfection from Chlorine or UV, (including standby capability)
2 Groundwater Disinfection with Chlorine or UV (including standby capability), ion exchange for softening, and/or limestone contactors
3 Groundwater Disinfection by means other than Chlorine or UV, sequestering or filtration of manganese or iron, fluoridation, corrosion control, pH control, air stripping, granular activated adsorption, ion exchange, and/or aeration
4A1 Surface water or GWUDI Systems with bag filtration, cartridge filtration, membrane filtration, slow sand filtration, and/or other similar technologies, as approved by the Secretary, which do not use coagulants
4A, 4B AND 4C Surface water or GWUDI

Systems using rapid sand filtration. Class depends on the population served by the system:

  • Class 4A  serving from 25 to 500 people
  • Class 4B  serving from 501 to 3,300 people
  • Class 4C  serving more than 3,300 people
D Any Systems Purchasing all of their water or operators who only work on a Distribution System serving 3,300 or more people. A Class D system purchases its water and does not have any source or treatment associated with it.

Operator Certification Applications
In addition to completing an Application and attached Child Support and VT Taxes Statement, refer to Tables 2 and 3 for initial and renewal certification requirements for Certified Operators:

Class 2,3,4,D:

Class 1A/1B:

​All Classes:

Table 2: Initial Certification Requirements
Class Fee Minimum Education Initial Experience Letter from Supervisor* Exam Support/Taxes Statement
1A $45 HS or GED None No No Yes
1B $45 HS or GED None No No Yes
2 $80 HS or GED 1.5 years Yes Yes Yes
3 $80 HS or GED 1.5 years Yes Yes Yes
4A1 $80 HS or GED 2 years Yes Yes Yes
4A $80 HS or GED 2 years Yes Yes Yes
4B $80 HS or GED 2.5 years Yes Yes Yes
4C $80 HS or GED 3 years Yes Yes Yes
D $80 HS or GED 1.5 years Yes Yes Yes

*Letter from Supervisor: a brief, written statement with signature certifying training experience and technical knowledge of water system. Please enclose with application.

Table 3: Renewal Certification Requirements - Certifications must be renewed every 3 years.
Class Fee Minimum Education Continuing Education Requirements (TCH) Deadline Support/Taxes Statement
1A $45 HS or GED None N/A Yes
1B $45 HS or GED 3 hours N/A Yes
2 $80 HS or GED 10 hours June 30, 2026 Yes
3 $80 HS or GED 20 hours June 30, 2025 Yes
4A1 $80 HS or GED 20 hours June 30, 2026 Yes
4A $80 HS or GED 20 hours June 30, 2026 Yes
4B $80 HS or GED 20 hours June 30, 2026 Yes
4C $80 HS or GED 20 hours June 30, 2026 Yes
D $80 HS or GED 20 hours June 30, 2025 Yes

Provisional Certification: Under some conditions, a Provisional Certification may be issued. The operator is only allowed to work for one water system and must meet the requirements for a full certification except for the experience. For more information, please contact us.

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