Dam Safety
- Dam Ownership - Responsibility and Liability
- Responsibilties of Dam Ownership - Internal Erosion of Earth Dams
- Dam Order Application Instructions
- Dam Ownership - Procuring the Services of a Professional Engineer
- Dam Inspections and Hazard Classification
- Beaver Dams: Best Management Practices for Resolving Human-Beaver Conflicts in Vermont
Water Infrastructure Financing Programs
The SRF programs have been divided into three separate Steps as outlined below.
- Step 1: Planning: Guidance, Task List
- Step 2: Final Design: Guidance, Task List
- Step 3: Construction: Guidance, Task List
- Median Household Income or MHI amounts: These are the Median Household Income or MHI amounts that will be used for all construction loans issued off the DWSRF Project Priority List beginning with FY16, all new water planning loans and all FY15 projects whose Step III funding application was received after July 1, 2016. | See Guidance Doc 11 and related documents for current DWSRF info
CWSRF Project MHI is evaluated according the Affordability Criteria in the most recently adopted Intended Use Plan. - DWSRF and CWSRF Program Guidance Documents
- CWSRF Eligibilities Overview Paper 2016
- EJCDC Contract Documents
- EJCDC Engineering Services Agreement E-500 2014
- EJCDC Front End Documents 2013 or 2018
- RUS Bulletin 1780-2
- RUS Bulletin 1780-26
Spreadsheet Templates
- Project Cost Summary (PCS) - Required for all DWSRF and CWSRF projects.
- Sample Affordability Analysis for LTCPs
Fact Sheets
- CWSRF Fact Sheet
- DWSRF Planning Loan Fact Sheet - out of date, see DWSRF Guidance Doc 10 instead
- DWSRF Construction Loan Fact Sheet - out of date, see DWSRF Guidance Doc 10 instead
- On-Site Loan Fact Sheet
- Water Infrastructure Sponsorship Program (WISPr) Fact Sheet
DW and CW Project Leads use the following checklists to determine which documents or approvals are necessary to move the loan from development to internal approval to external approval. Some of the documents listed in the checklists are internal documents, so if there are questions, please contact the Project Leads directly.
DW Step 1: Loan Approval Checklist
DW Step 2: Loan Approval Checklist
DW Step 3: Loan Approval Checklist
DW Amendment: Loan Approval Checklist
CW Step 1: Loan Approval Checklist
CW Step 2: Loan Approval Checklist
CW Step 3: Loan Approval Checklist
CW Amendment: Loan Approval Checklist
General Information
- Getting Your Project To Flow Smoothly by RCAP Solutions
- Engineering Fee Curve
- Vermont Water and Sewer Rate Payer Data
- How to Get a Unique Entity ID (UEI) on SAM.gov (downloadable pdf help document)
State Revolving Fund Training Modules
SRF 202 Project Cost Summaries
How to Get Ranked for Vermont SRF Funding (contains both general information and information specific to the FY23 funding cycle)
- Preliminary Engineering Report Format and Directions (USDA Bulletin 1780-2)(pdf)
- PER Format (MS-Word)
- Sample Fiscal Sustainability Plan - with Criticality Assessment (MS Excel)
- LC TMDL Cost Estimate Report
- Linear Project Guidance Document from Waste Management Division, and
- PCB Guidance Documents:
- Vermont State-Wide Septage Capacity Report
- ArcGIS Model can be found on Residuals and Emerging Contaminants page
- ArcGIS Model can be found on Residuals and Emerging Contaminants page
Environmental Review
- State Environmental Review Procedure (CWSRF)
- State Environmental Review Procedure (DWSRF)
- Historic Preservation MOA 2017
Final Design
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Procurement Guidance
- EPA Davis-Bacon Handbook 2017 (DRAFT)
- American Iron and Steel Guidance - EPA Memo
- Project Signage Guidance