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Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS)

Curious about compost, anaerobic digestion, or building healthy soils? Interested in how Vermont communities and organizations manage their food scraps successfully and overcome challenges? Then the Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS) is for you.

The free, online Summit runs from May 3-7, 2021, during International Compost Awareness Week.

Learn more or register online at, or contact Natasha Duarte at or 802-373-6499.

Hosted by the Composting Association of Vermont and the Agency of Natural Resources, the Summit gathers leaders and learners from across the state to discuss creative ways to keep organics out of the trash and transform organics into valuable products. The theme of this year’s Summit is Grow, Eat…COMPOST…Repeat! Dr. David Montgomery will present this year's keynote, "Bringing Our Soil Back to Life.”


Green Infrastructure Operation & Maintenance Summit

Thursday, February 27, 2020, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

University of Vermont Davis Center, Grand Maple Ballroom, Burlington

The Lake Champlain Sea Grant is hosting a Green Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Summit in Burlington, VT. Join us for the day to learn about green infrastructure in Vermont and the New York side of the Lake Champlain basin.

Topics to be covered include municipal roads, green storm water infrastructure, restoration of natural systems, workforce development, maintenance-friendly strategies and future training. The summit will cover a variety of important topics and hopes to spur a discussion on what’s working, what’s needed and how best to move forward with maintenance. Coffee, snacks, lunch and a University of Vermont parking permit are all included in the registration fee.

  • Register Here
  • Registration Fee: $20
  • Registration Deadline: February 20, 2020 

2019 Leahy Center Environmental Summit - The Alchemy of Art & Science

The Leahy Environmental Summit Focuses on The Alchemy of Art and Science: Creating a Culture of Clean Water

Our lakes, rivers, streams and ponds sustain us, but they face daunting challenges from the ways we have shaped our communities and the land. How can artists and scientists partner to communicate the value of water protection and restoration projects? 

Come to the 2019 Leahy Environmental Summit on April 5th in Burlington to share your ideas for art and science collaboration, learn about new strategies, and explore partnerships that engage Vermonters to understand, care, and act. Register here and help spread the word on Facebook.


Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS)

Vermonters are making great strides towards 2020 and the full phase-in of the landfill ban on organics. The Vermont Organics Recycling Summit is helping lead the way: a statewide forum to think boldly, learn, and network about transforming food waste and other organic materials into valuable products.

The Summit will highlight business success stories, the use of compost products for storm water management, research, and outreach models. Workshops are designed to help businesses, institutions, communities and residents meet the State’s organics diversion, food rescue, and food scrap recycling goals. The morning plenary features Keynote presentation by Nora Goldstein, Editor of BioCycle, and a State of the State by Agency of Natural Resources staff. 

To register, visit the VORS website.


Evolving Regulations and Emerging Contaminants

This conference, hosted by the Vermont Environmental Consortium, the Department of Conservation, and Vermont Technical College,  will cover new and proposed regulations related to groundwater, contaminated and Brownfield properties, hazardous waste, as well as an update on Vermont’s testing and regulation of emerging contaminants such as PFOA. It will be led by a combination of VT DEC regulators and industry professionals, and geared toward environmental consultants, attorneys, developers, real estate professionals, and the regulatory community.  Visit the conference web site for more information.

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