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Intended Use Plan Hearing Moved

April 4, 2020
CORRECTED Notification of CWSRF and DWSRF Draft IUP Deadlines and Public Hearing Date Changes
Due to the recent COVID-19 disruption of normal operations, we have decided to delay the draft Intended Use Plan (IUP) and associated public hearing. We anticipate release of the draft IUP on 
May 1, 2020 and the associated public hearing will be held virtually on Thursday, June 18, 2020, at 10:00 AM.Even in these uncertain times, our team is committed to meeting the intent of an accessible public hearing. In order to accomplish this, we will provide access to this hearing in the following ways:
All contacts that are included in our email list will receive a calendar invitation for the meeting. No reservation is required. 
A call-in option will also be included in this invitation.  
The PowerPoint presentation will be posted on our website by May 1, 2020 which provides highlighted proposals. 
During the public hearing, questions will be accepted in the "chat" function or via email in advance or during the meeting. SRF staff will stay in attendance for as long as necessary to address questions or concerns or will happily follow up individually. 
On a further note, DEC is working diligently to understand the impact of the COVID-19 response on our loan recipients. Current loan recipients can anticipate a follow up communication containing information regarding a temporary suspension of loan repayments. If current or future SRF users identify additional ways the program can support the economic situation through this IUP or other actions, we are anxious to receive this feedback for consideration. In the meantime, we wish you and yours the best in these challenging times and look forward to that future dialogue.  
For questions or further assistance, the contacts are:
CWSRF: or by phone at (802) 622-4205.
DWSRF: or by phone at (802) 585-4904.
SRF and COVID Response Questions:
The Vermont Water Infrastructure Financing Program Team