Hear from David Wilcox and Silas Rainville from the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation about the Forestry Acceptable Management Practices and their role in the prioritization of Forestland Clean Water Projects in Vermont.
Learn from Watershed United Vermont and three community-based watershed groups about their work in restoration and protection activities that improve water quality and lead to healthier and more resilient watersheds. Groups will touch on the challenges and opportunities of flood recovery and resiliency efforts in the context of devastating floods over the past two years. Find out how communities get involved in the work from tree planting to water quality monitoring to river cleanups.
Join Alison Marchione from the DEC's Lakes and Ponds Program to learn about Lake Watershed Action Plans and the lessons learned about the importance of community engagement and landowner support when working within the voluntary water quality project world.
Connect with Claire Madden from the DEC Clean Water Initiative Program to learn about water quality progress achieved through public investment and regulation. Hear about how the work of our clean water community contributes to the restoration, protection, and enhancement of waterbodies throughout the state.
Do you need water or wastewater infrastructure construction funding between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024?
Vermont’s CWSRF and DWSRF are providing a webinar on this year's Project Priority Lists (PPLs) applications and application process at noon on February 14, 2023, via Microsoft Teams.
The webinar provides information on the following:
Funding cycle overview
Introduction to Project Priority Lists (PPLs)
PPL ranking process
How to read the PPL & fundable range
Minimum requirements for getting on the list for construction funding
Join Katie Bockwoldt and Helen Carr of the Department of Environmental Conservation to learn how the State of Vermont’s clean water investments are making a difference in water quality across the state. Katie and Helen will summarize results from the Vermont Clean Water Initiative 2020 Performance Report, released January 15, 2021, and highlight progress towards achieving the Lake Champlain clean water restoration plan.
The Clean Water Series is open to all. Anyone who is interested can register for the event here. Visit the Clean Water Lecture Series webpage for upcoming lectures and additional information. To request accommodations to participate in the lecture series, please email ANR.CleanWaterVT@vermont.gov.