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Intended Use Plans

Each year the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) publish Intended Use Plans (IUPs) that explain how the SRF funding capitalization grants provided by the federal government will be used to support the programs. The IUP Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) number reflects when federal funds were appropriated, so it lags behind the current FFY. Each IUP identifies program decisions to meet requirements set by Congress in each year's capitalization grants and to address state programmatic priorities. IUPs address critical program details including discussions of Project Priority Lists; subsidy including loan forgiveness and loan terms; DWSRF Set-Asides; and CWSRF Green Project Reserve.

Public comments on draft IUPs are accepted at a public hearing and by contacting Padraic Monks, the SRF Program Manager: or 802-490-6169. If you speak a language other than English, we offer free language assistance services. Please call DEC at 802-636-7266.

FFY2025 / SFY2026 Funding Cycle:

Priority List Applications will be posted 12/16/2024 to be due 2/14/2025.

Draft IUPs including Project Priority Lists will be posted in spring 2025.

A public comment period will open, and a public hearing meeting will follow in the middle of that period (in person and remote via Teams).

Once the IUP is adopted in summer 2025, its terms apply to new loan applications. 

FFY2024 / SFY2025 Funding Cycle:

Planning/design loan applications are processed under this IUP until the next is adopted in summer 2025.

Construction loans applications on this cycle are open for projects in the fundable range through June 2025 or until the next IUP is adopted in summer 2025. See Applications and Forms site for loan application forms and submission links.

Intended Use Plans by Federal and State Fiscal Year (FFY and SFY)

FFY24 / SFY25

Adopted FFY24/SFY25 CWSRF IUP (8/22/24).

Draft FFY24/SFY25 CWSRF IUP (6/27/2024).

Hearing slides and recording (7/23/24).

Amended FFY24 DWSRF IUP (10/22/24)
Adopted FFY24 DWSRF IUP (8/22/24).
Draft FFY24 DWSRF IUP (6/27/24).
Hearing slides and recording (7/23/24).

FFY23 / SFY24

Amended FFY23/SFY24 CWSRF IUP (3/21/24).

Adopted FFY23/SFY24 CWSRF IUP (9/20/23).

Hearing slides and recording (7/31/23).


Amended FFY23 DWSRF IUP (4/29/24).
Amended FFY23 DWSRF IUP (3/21/24).
Adopted FFY23 DWSRF IUP (9/20/23).

Hearing slides and recording (7/31/23).

Service Line Inventory (SLI) loan applications were updated and force account policy added May 2023.

FFY22 / SFY23 Adopted FFY22/SFY23 CWSRF IUP (9/26/22)
Draft FFY22/SFY23 CWSRF IUP (8/4/22)
Hearing slides and recording (8/30/22)

Adopted Amended FY22 DWSRF IUP (1/5/23)
Email about Service Line Inventory Loans sent to 70 water systems 12/16/22 (see row above for more current info)
Draft Amended FY22 DWSRF IUP (12/16/22)
Adopted FFY22 DWSRF IUP (9/26/22)
Draft FFY22 DWSRF IUP (8/4/22)
Hearing slides and recording (8/30/22)

FFY21 / SFY22 Amended FFY21/SFY22 CWSRF IUP (5/25/22)
Adopted FFY21/SFY22 CWSRF IUP (7/15/21)
Hearing presentation (6/17/21)
Adopted FFY21 DWSRF IUP (7/19/21)
Hearing presentation (6/17/21)
FFY20 / SFY21

Revised Final FFY20/SFY21 CWSRF IUP (clerical revision)
Amendment to Revised Final FFY20 CWSRF IUP
(amendment & public comment responsiveness summary;
the rest of the revised final IUP below remains current)
Revised Final FFY20 CWSRF IUP (administrative updates)
Public hearing presentation

Amendment 2 FFY20 DWSRF IUP (2/25/22)
Clerical Revision FFY20 DWSRF IUP (8/2/21, p. 14)
Amended Final FFY20 DWSRF IUP (1/27/21)
Adopted FFY20 DWSRF IUP (7/16/20)
Public hearing presentation

FFY19 / SFY20

Updated Adopted FFY19/SFY20 IUP and PPL
Adopted FFY19/SFY20 CWSRF IUP and PPL
FFY19 CW and DW SRF Presentation Audio/Visual Part 1
FFY19 CW and DW SRF Presentation Audio/Visual Part 2
FFY19 CW and DW SRF Presentation Slides

Lead Subsidy Eligibility Policy 9/27/2019
Amended FFY19 IUP 7/29/2019
Updated Adopted FFY19 DWSRF IUP and PPL
Adopted FFY19 DWSRF IUP and PPL
FFY19 CW and DW SRF Presentation Audio/Visual Part 1
FFY19 CW and DW SRF Presentation Audio/Visual Part 2
FFY19 CW and DW SRF Presentation Slides

FFY18 / SFY19

FFY18 IUP Adopted Amendment: Amended Priority List, Sponsorship Policy, Responsiveness Summary
Adopted FFY2018/SFY2019 Intended Use Plan
IUP Presentation

Amended FFY18 IUP 7/29/2019
UPDATED 6-28-2018 Adopted FFY18 IUP
Adopted FFY2018 Intended Use Plan
IUP Presentation

FFY17 / SFY18

Adopted FFY2017/SFY2018 Intended Use Plan
IUP Public Meeting Presentation

Adopted FFY2017 Intended Use Plan
IUP Public Meeting Presentation
FFY17 Proposed Program Changes

FFY16 / SFY17

Amended Adopted SFY17 and FFY16 Clean Water SRF IUP
Adopted SFY17 Pollution Control Priority List and FFY16 Clean Water SRF IUP
IUP Public Meeting Presentation

Updated 12-27-2017 FY2016 Project Priority List
Updated FY2016 Project Priority List
2016 Adopted Intended Use Plan and Project Priority List
IUP Public Meeting Presentation

FFY15 / SFY16

ADOPTED State FY16 Pollution Control Priority List and Federal FY15 Clean Water IUP

2015 DWSRF Intended Use Plan

FFY14 / SFY15

ADOPTED State FY2015 Municipal Pollution Control PRIORITY LIST and Federal FY2014 Clean Water Intended Use Plan FINAL

2014 DWSRF Intended Use Plan

FFY13 / SFY14

ADOPTED State FY2014 Municipal Pollution Control PRIORITY LIST and Federal FY2013 Clean Water Intended Use Plan

2013 DWSRF Intended Use Plan

FFY12 / SFY13

ADOPTED State FY2013 Municipal Pollution Control PRIORITY LIST and Federal FY2012 Clean Water Intended Use Plan

Final Amendment to the Municipal Pollution Control Projects Priority List for State FY 2012

2012 DWSRF Intended Use Plan



2011 DWSRF Intended Use Plan

FFY10 / SFY11

ADOPTED State FY2012 Municipal Pollution Control PRIORITY LIST and Federal FY2011 Clean Water Intended Use Plan as corrected July 13, 2011

Amendment to the State Fiscal Year 2011 Pollution Control Projects Priority List

State FY2011 Municipal Pollution Control Priority List and Federal FY2010 Clean Water Intended Use Plan

2010 DWSRF Intended Use Plan

FFY09 / SFY10

State FY2010 Municipal Pollution Control Priority List and Federal FY2009 Clean Water Intended Use Plan

2009 DWSRF Intended Use Plan

FFY08 / SFY09

Amendment to the State FY2009 Municipal Pollution Control Priority List

Clean Water Intended Use Plan – ARRA 2009 Funds April 15, 2009

State FY2009 Municipal Pollution Control Priority List and Federal FY2008 Clean Water Intended Use Plan

ARRA 2009 DWSRF Intended Use Plan

2008 DWSRF Intended Use Plan

FFY07 / SFY08

Amendment to the State FY2008 Municipal Pollution Control Priority List

State FY2008 Municipal Pollution Control Priority List and Federal FY2007 Clean Water Intended Use Plan

2007 DWSRF Intended Use Plan

FFY06 / SFY07

State FY2007 Municipal Pollution Control Priority List and Federal FY2006 Clean Water Intended Use Plan

2006 DWSRF Intended Use Plan

FFY05 / SFY06

State FY2006 Municipal Pollution Control Priority List and Federal FY2005 Clean Water Intended Use Plan

2005 DWSRF Intended Use Plan

FFY04 / SFY05

State FY2005 Municipal Pollution Control Priority List and Federal FY2004 Clean Water Intended Use Plan

2004 DWSRF Intended Use Plan

FFY03 / SFY04

SFY2004 Municipal Pollution Control Priority List and Federal FFY2003 CWSRF Intended Use Plan

2003 DWSRF Intended Use Plan