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Vermont Volunteer Surface Water Monitoring Guide

Guide cover - lake with insets of people performing monitoring activities

This Guide will walk groups and organizations through the steps of designing an appropriate monitoring program for lakes, streams, rivers and wetlands. This Guide also is significant in that it celebrates and highlights past and ongoing efforts of volunteer monitors and their programs in Vermont. The Watershed Management Division is grateful to past and current volunteers and hopes this Guide will refresh their enthusiasm and inspire new groups to develop programs. Volunteer monitors also will find a wealth of Vermont-specific resources in this Guide, as well as resources from national groups and organizations such as the U.S. EPA, USGS and the River Network that are involved in volunteer monitoring.

Front Cover & Title Page

Table of Contents


Section 1:  Introduction: The History of Volunteer Monitoring and the Monitoring Design Worksheet

Section 2:  Defining Your Questions: Why, What and Who

Section 3:  Choosing Parameters to Support Your Questions

Part 1

Part 2

Section 4:  Data Quality

Section 5:  Planning Where, When and How to Monitor

Section 6:  Data Management

Section 7:  Converting Data to Information

Section 8:  Evaluating Monitoring Program Performance


Appendix A:  Resources

Appendix B:  Considerations for Selecting and Using a Contact Laboratory

Appendix C:  Existing Volunteer Surface Water Monitoring Manuals

Appendix D:  Equipment and Supply Vendors

Appendix E:  Useful Tools for Monitoring

Appendix F:  VTDEC Uses of Volunteer Data

Appendix G:  Glossary

Appendix H:  Acronyms, Abbreviations and Symbols

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