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Clean Water Initiative

CWIP Final Performance Report Spreadsheet

December 17, 2024
This is a required final deliverable for all Clean Water Initiative Program block grants. This Excel file replaces the Final Performance Report for block grants and includes the Stormwater Best Management Practice Report and the Riparian Buffer Planting BMP Report. Please enter each design and implementation project with a WPD ID as its own row in this file. All projects should already have been entered to the Watershed Projects Database via the Batch Import File or ANR Online New Project Form.

Clean Water Board Questionnaire

The Clean Water Board is asking the public to provide feedback on the draft SFY 2026 Clean Water Budget through this online questionnaire. Please provide your thoughts on whether you believe funding levels are sufficient and whether you agree with the Board's proposed prioritization of funding across programs. The Clean Water Board will consider public input before making its final Clean Water Budget recommendation in December. 

Interim Phosphorus Reduction Calculator Tool

August 5, 2022
This spreadsheet tool has been developed to provide estimated annual phosphorus load reductions based on anticipated project implementation metrics to support project prioritization and initial cost effectiveness calculations. This tool is subject to change, please confirm the version of the tool you are using matches the current available version posted on this page. This tool is for planning and prioritization purposes only, DEC will calculate final phosphorus reduction credit following project closeout and confirmation of final project metrics as implemented.

CWIP Clean Water Project Data Reporting Standards

June 25, 2024
This Excel spreadsheet outlines how to report on clean water projects across land use sectors (agriculture, cross sector, developed lands, natural resources, and wastewater). Project types that we collect data on in each sector have the following information to help standardize reporting across partners: project type, practice type if applicable, a definition and minimum standards required to meet clean water reporting requirements, applicable performance measures, and data that would be required to estimate a phosphorus reduction.
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