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Draft CWSRF and DWSRF Intended Use Plans Issued for Public Comment

April 13, 2021
FFY2020 Draft CWSRF and DWSRF Intended Use Plans (IUPs)
Vermont CWSRF and DWSRF Programs 
This serves as notification that the Water Investment Division is distributing the following documents for public review and comment:

The FFY2020 CWSRF IUP includes the SFY2021 Water Pollution Control Project Priority List (PPL). The IUP details the manner in which the program intends to utilize the CWSRF fund and the PPL contains a list of municipalities and private entities that have submitted applications for potential funding in the upcoming year, and is being amended as follows: DRAFT Revised FFY20 CWSRF IUP (2nd Amendment) - Public comments accepted until April 28, 2021.

The FFY2020 DWSRF IUP includes the SFY2020 Drinking Water PPL. The IUP details the manner in which the program intends to utilize the DWSRF fund and the PPL contains a list of municipalities and private entities that have submitted applications for potential funding in the upcoming year.
Please direct any comments or questions to:  

For the CWSRF: Tom Brown at or by phone at (802) 622-4205.
For the DWSRF: Celia Riechel at or by phone at (802) 585-4904.

For more information on the SRF funding programs and other funding opportunities administered by the Water infrastructure Financing Programs, please refer to our
web site.
We look forward to assisting you with your water infrastructure funding needs.