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Final 2016 Air Monitoring Network Plan

July 1, 2016
In accordance with adopted federal EPA regulation, 40 CFR Part 58, Subpart B §58.10(1), the Vermont Air Quality & Climate Division is required to submit to EPA by July 1, 2016 an air monitoring network plan for the State of Vermont. The regulation requires that the network plan be posted on the AQCD website or other form of notification for public comment 30 days prior to submission to the EPA Region 1 Office.
The 2016 Network Plan was posted on the “public notice” section of AQCD website from 5/25/16 through 6/28/16. During this period, the VT AQCD received no public comments.To view or download a copy of the current 2016 Air Monitoring Network Plan click on the link below:

AQCD Final 2016 Air Monitoring Network Plan

July 1, 2016
In accordance with adopted federal EPA regulation, 40 CFR Part 58, Subpart B §58.10(1), the Vermont Air Quality & Climate Division is required to submit to EPA by July 1, 2016 an air monitoring network plan for the State of Vermont. The regulation requires that the network plan be posted on the AQCD website or other form of notification for public comment 30 days prior to submission to the EPA Region 1 Office.
The 2016 Network Plan was posted on the “public notice” section of AQCD website listed above from 5/25/16 through 6/28/16. During this period, the VT AQCD received no public comments.
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